Aura saw two people ahead of her who were running her way and instead of a feeling of gratitude, the first thought that hit her burned a hole straight through her pride. [i]I'm officially a damsel in distress....[/i] The second thought she had was that she needed to fight alongside these two if she was going to make it out of this mess alive. Upon getting closer to them she could see that one was a guy and one was a girl, and the girl had readied her sword to dive head on into the mob. [b]"These are Giant Wind Wasps. Careful of the stun!"[/b] she called. Aura quickly took out her sword to get ready to defend the blonde haired girl and as she was sidestepped and heard the sound of a blade slicing an enemy, she turned on her heels and dashed back towards her. As soon as the girl raised her sword from her strike, Aura moved in front of her and kicked the Wind Wasp that was coming at them before using her Vertical Arc skill to take it down. Moving out of the way once more, Aura went to stand back to back with the girl as the Wing Wasps began surrounding them. [b]"If we win this, we're going to get a shit ton of exp. You came to help so make sure you don't get in my way."[/b] Aura said looking over her shoulder at the girl. Though the words seemed harsh to say to someone who came to her rescue, the tone she had used was not one that would be taken offence from. If anything, one would take it as a sarcastic kind of tone. With that, Aura jumped into the air and did a flip as she activated her Sonic Leap skill again. She landed directly on top of one but it didn't die, turning and ducking past a stinger aimed at her head, she activated Uppercut and then Rage Spike at a different one before the wasp beneath her began moving again. Driving her sword through its body at her feet was enough to kill the creature but the next attack aimed at her was unavoidable. Two Wind Wasps used their Bite move on each of her arms and as she tried to get free, she kicked at one that came at her from the front. Aura's health started dropping and her heart started to race as the thought of dying here passed through her mind. [i]I should have just gone to Sunshine Forest! Shit, shit, shit![/i] she raged at herself in her head.