[b]Name:[/b]Admiral Jenovah Samson - He was a Commander however has taken on the title of Admiral. [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]45 [b]Physical Description:[/b][hider=image]About 5"9. Broad shoulder, [b]Faction:[/b]Independent Warlord [b]Profession:[/b] Warlord [b]Homeworld:[/b]Corellia [b]Starting World:[/b] N/A [b]Weapons:[/b]He openly wields none, however he has a holdout blaster. [b]Equipment:[/b]Holotablet, Commlink, Holocommunicator [b]Personality:[/b]Cold, Calculative, Manipulative. [b]Brief History:[/b] He was born in 35BBY to a pilot mother and tactician father. They were members who took on completely different roles in battle. He took an interest in both aspects both the military side and the tactical aspects. In 17BBY when he was eighteen he enrolled in the Cardia naval academy. He did this in the hopes of serving aboard one of the Empires new Imperial Star Destroyers. Vessels that could easily act against any other space operations vehicle, including many of the Separatist holdouts. He always dreamed of bettering the Empire, and trying to achieve more power himself. Upon graduating he was not immediately an officer aboard one of the ships he was choosing, instead he worked for a Moff as a commander in his personal defense fleet as the second in command of the older Venator Star Destroyers. He spent most of his adolescent life working aboard this ship, in the Corellia sector. Nothing truly interesting or major really ever occurred to allow him to outshine his superiors and become promoted. He was content, but not happy. The Empire was losing the support of the population, they were too obvious and too brutal in their actions against not only rebels but the Alien species as well. Eventually he participated in a larger battle which occurred due to a result of the Battle of Endor and the dissolution of what was the Empire. He himself took commanders who knew him well, and they left. Their plan was to try and regrow the Empire elsewhere, they had seen it fall and stagnate in recent years and themselves had planned to remove the weak and corrupt leadership. Replace them with strong intelligent men and not idealists and elitists. He ended up in the Karlus sector, a sector contested however not overly near the front lines of battle. Importantly it had a strong Imperial Presence, to subjugate and take over to increase the power of their movement. After they broke away he took on the title of Admiral and began building his fleet. ^I am quite tired so I can edit it if a major edit is required.