Make sure [i]she[/i] didn't get in [i]her[/i] way? Either this chick had a funny sense of humor or Artemis was going to have to remind her exactly who was saving her ass. She ignored the comment and began striking whatever monster had the misfortune of being in her line of sight. They weren't difficult individually, simply the sheer number of them. A raid party probably would have not had so much of a problem. Even as two others jumped in, she wasn't stupid enough to assume that everything would be fine. It was five people versus lord knew how many there were. At the very least, the other people weren't that bad. Of course, Miss Damsel in Distress found herself in another pickle, but it seemed the other boy who joined rescued her. [i]So much for anyone getting in your way.[/i] She thought, rather enjoying the irony. Apollo remained towards the edge of the mob, mainly killing around the edges rather than jumping into the middle as most of the others probably did. His eyes would briefly flicker up to their HP every once in a while; it seemed for the most part, everyone could take care of themselves. Except for that one girl that got caught again. But it looked like her and that dude knew one another, so it was all good. This was just one reason he didn't want Artemis to solo anymore. What if she had been the one to get caught in this mob? Then again, as he thinks this, he watches her effortlessly slice through the wasps like they were made of butter. The other guys weren't doing too shabby either. Maybe after all this, they could maybe team up? Well, he wasn't too sure about Miss Orange cursor there. Still, no one deserved to die in this game. And who knows? Maybe it was in self defense? Or something. He wasn't one to judge, all things considered.