Thor returned to Asgard, the demon warlords and their underlings from Muspelheim bound in chains of plasma and steel behind him, the Asgardian soldiers surrounding them as they entered several by several through the Bifrost. The demon warlords sought to conquer Alfheim, the realm of elves, and from there build a base where they would continue to conquer all the other realms one by one until everything was theirs. Or so was their plan. Now, they were in chains, utterly humiliated and their prowess disgraced by the might of Asgard. "Throw them in the dungeons and keep the war lords in separate cells," Thor commanded the guards once they had reached the castle, a large grin plastered on his face in anticipation of the feast they would be having that night. Although, he knew he couldn't attend all night, he had to return to the realm of mortals under his guise as a doctor and attend a rather fascinating medical conference held in Manhattan. One of the few events of the night he was actually looking forward to. "You fought like a true monster, Thor!" Volstagg bellowed as he gave him a hearty slap on the back. "Feast with us and drink until you can no longer move, and make your ancestors proud!" "I think I have filled my ancestors with enough pride as it is, old friend," Thor responded, his eyes glazing over the dozens of foods laid out on several large dining tables as they walked into the feasting hall. "I shan't stay for long. I have matters on Midgard that I must attend to." "You and your mortal friends and mortal job. Why you bother with them so much is beyond me." "Spend a drink and feast with them, Volstagg, and you'll understand why I do these things." The larger Asgardian responded with a hearty laugh as they took their seats. All around the people were chatting, some surrounded by serving girls - wide eyed at the tales the warriors were telling them of their recent victory. A festive mood set over the place, smiles being seen on every face and laughter being heard every so often and soon a couple of fights would break out. Thor was enjoying himself, talking with his companions and stuffing his body when a letter landed in front of him and a guard whispered something in his ear. The smile suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a look of worry. He promptly excused himself and walked out without so much as a second glance and made his way to the guardian of Asgard. "I have troubling news, my lord," Heimdall said just as Thor walked in. "Midgard seems to have erupted in chaos. I fear for the realm's security." "What happened?" "Be assured, my lord, I wouldn't have alerted you unless I knew for sure the mortals could handle it themselves. It seems nearly all of earth's enemies and it's menacing criminals have escaped their confinement and seek to conquer their world and plunge it into darkness." "What of the Avengers?" "The Avengers, The Justice League, and the world's heroes struggle with the current crisis," Heimdall said turning around, his golden eyes looking into his. "They need all the help they can get, and I loathe to see Midgard fall into the hands of the wicked." It took Thor a moment to process everything Heimdall had told him, the world was about to be plunged into chaos and not even the Avengers could completely hold it off on their own. "Very well," he sighed. "Inform my father of the crisis and send a suitable amount of reinforcements to contain the situation. Two battles in one day; the gods have truly smiled upon my might!" Heimdall nodded and activated the Bifrost, and before long, Thor was shot through the portal, going through light-years of space and darkness in a matter of seconds before landing with a blinding light in the middle of a fight between Spider-Man and several villains, Mjolnir ready and eager in his hands. "Young man of spider, it seems I have found you in a sticky situation," he called out, Mjolnir spinning, causing the sky to crackle and thunder.