"Pink Rabbit. Are you in position?" "Affirmative. I'm in a good spot, not to far from the civilian area. If I get caught, I can claim I got lost. When the alarm hits, it will literally take me twenty seconds to get into position." "You're a natural runner, Pink. Things are gonna go well for you." --- That message was ten minutes ago. There had been no further messages, no alarms, no sign of their plan being active from where she stood, which was the sidelines. Her job was for wait for Red Fox to arrive at her checkpoint after having built up a good lead on the security, hand the data to her, and for her to non-chilantly get as far as she can towards the exit before the security discover there's been a switch, where she will bolt back to the van and drive to the pickup to get the rest of the guys. Anyone who wasn't at the pickup got left behind. Suddenly the alarms went off. Finally! She went over to her position. Red Fox sped down her corridor. He was a faster runner than her. he actually threw the disc at her, but amazingly she caught it. She slipped it in her shirt and started to walk out. She decided to head out via the far wall that had the windows leading to the outside. It would take a little longer but there wouldn't be as many guards, and she wouldn't have to explain herself to regular employees, who might then call the guards. She heard footsteps in this corridor. She started in a run.