[center][b][i]The Fight in the Dark, Divide and kill. A collab between Little Alice, Chromehound and Gerontis.[/b] Summary : Hayate and Kiyomi are about to erase the lab they found, wanting to destroy it. However it seems there will be a sudden change of plans.[/center][/i] [hider=In the Dark] [b]''I am more than ready.''[/b] A voice replied with an amused tone. Standing in the opening of another entrance to the room, a man stared at Kiyomi and Hayate. There were several scars on his skin, like it had been cracked and damaged more than just a several amount of times. A grin grew on the lips of the man as he eyed them, taking a few steps into the laboratory. [b]''Seems that you two managed to get this far, huh? Means you killed Change? Impressive for two runts.''[/b] The man said, clearly mocking that they looked both much younger than them. He was around two to three heads taller and much bigger in overal size than Hayate. Turning swiftly, a kunai already in his hand, Hayate eyed the man warily. There wasn't a lot of time left until the unstable metal was going to set off and explode. Without looking, he spoke quietly to Kiyomi, [b]"We need to leave sensei... There's not much time."[/b] Already backing towards the nearest exit, Hayate didn't take his eyes off the imposing man. Quickly turning around, Kiyomi glared at the newcomer. Another one? At least this one wasn't inside their mind. With Hayate's warning, Kiyomi knew she had to make a quick decision. Turning their back to this enemy could be annoying. Slowly, she moved back as well, thinking of something. [b]''Run Hayate!''[/b] Kiyomi mumbled as she pulled out a smokebomb, intending to smash it against the ground to give them some cover, hopefully giving them a chance to make a run for it. [b]''Not fun.''[/b] The man muttered as he noticed that Hayate and Kiyomi seemed to first move back and then tried to escape. Weaving several handsignals, the man held the last one for a second. After that, he would start to walk towards the smoke cloud. [b]''I am not that much of a curious talker like Change, nor that much of a freak, but hiding or running away won't help now.''[/b] The man shouted, trying to catch a hint of the two, which was kind of hard with the smoke cloud. Stepping through the doorway, Hayate placed his hand against the wall, attempting to spread metal across the exit in order to block it. The metal spread outwards, but didn't fully cover the gap. Deciding that wasting anymore time was not a wise idea, Hayate stepped away from the wall and then continued moving quickly. He would not run and risk leaving Kiyomi behind, and he only hoped that the metal he had managed to spread across the doorway would buy them some time. Following Hayate, Kiyomi already pulled out a kunai. Not yet infusing it with her lightning chakra or attaching a tag to it, Kiyomi started to think of how they could quickly end this. Judging by the words she had heard, this man was probably just as annoying as that Change person. Moving through the doorway, she briefly looked over her shoulder to notice what Hayate was doing. Now that they were in the smaller hallway, she got an idea. [b]''Lets try him here out.''[/b] Turning around with a quick turn, Kiyomi dropped into a fighting stance, focused on the doorway. With the smoke settling, the man could see that the two weren't in the room anymore. That and the doorway to the hallway, where Kiyomi and Hayate had came from, was changed. [b]''Troublesome.''[/b] Was the word that the man muttered as he would head towards the metal that was molded in order to hold him back. Knocking with his right fist on it, the man frowned. Taking a step back, chakra was starting to gather at his right hand that was clenched into a fist. Spreading out his footwork, the man was preparing to slam his fist at the manipulated metal. Taking his place beside Kiyomi, Hayate pulled Samehada from the sheath on his back. Here they would wait for the man to exit the room. By Hayate's calculation the unstable metal should still have about ten seconds or so be-- BOOM! His eyes widening slightly, Hayate realized he had made a slight calculation error... Looking towards the doorway, a small amount of smoke was billowing out of the holes in the metal that Hayate had used to cover the gap. Glancing up at Kiyomi he flashed her an apologetic look. In any normal situation, Kiyomi would frown or sigh due Hayate making an error at calculating of when something would happen. But now that wasn't important. Wondering if it was done, Kiyomi wasn't planning on moving to the doorway. Pouring some lightning chakra over the kunai she was holding, Kiyomi kept her eyes at the doorway. [b]''We're going to do a hit and run tactic. Attack at range and then head back, on which we repeat.''[/b] Kiyomi whispered through her communicator. The metal that was still moulded and thus forming a make-shift barricade was suddenly smashed and splintered. With the remains being thrown in the air, towards Kiyomi and Hayate, the man stepped over the doorway. The shirt he had on was torn apart, as several burning wounds covering his skin. However, he seemed to be doing quite okay for somebody who had been standing in a room that had just exploded. There was still some blue chakra gathering at his right hand. Flexing his fingers, the man started to walk towards the two. Cursing inwardly, Hayate pulled out a kunai with one of his free hands, charging it to explode, he threw it towards the strange man. Stepping back as the man walked forwards, Hayate pulled out another kunai, not expecting the first to do much damage. They were going to have to think of something and fast. And she thought the same as Hayate. He had smashed with ease, it seemed, through the metal. Not to forget that he had been in room that had exploded. Thinking of something, Kiyomi quickly leaped back as she would keep her kunai at the ready. They had to test how good the speed and reflexes were of the person, next to some other facts. Waiting to see how the man would react on the kunai that Hayate had thrown, Kiyomi readied herself again. The kunai never reached the man, as something invisible deflected the projectile. [b]''Child's play. Now stand still.''[/b] The man told them as he raised his hand. There was a strange look in his eyes as he started to grin. The blue chakra in his hand started to cause a hissing sound, like it was burning something. Next to that, the man was radiating some killing intent, hoping it would throw the two off. Seeing the kunai bounce to the side, exploding as it hit the floor, Hayate narrowed his eyes. It reminded him of the technique that Kiyomi taught him. Stepping back, he glanced at Samehada, maybe... A plan already formulating in his mind, Hayate prepared himself for whatever the man was about to do. The killing intent was powerful, but Hayate held his ground, forcing himself to focus. Throwing the kunai towards the side of the wall, Kiyomi reached out her hand towards Hayate. [b]''I need Sharky.''[/b] She instructed. She had a plan, but it wasn't likely going to be the same as what Hayate was thinking. That and she was getting worried that the blade was leeching Hayate's chakra to help his thirst for powerful chakra. The explosion bought them some time as the man looked sideways. However, the explosion seemed to not reach him. Even the smoke was kept at bay by something. Turning his attention back at the two, he walked towards them. Cautiously he already raised his right hand, ready to strike once either one of them was close by. His eyes briefly examined Hayate, but he soon turned his attention towards Kiyomi. [b]''You first.''[/b] [/hider]