The representatives waited patiently while each member of the team signed their contract, with each holographic screen deactivating once they submitted the form. Once every form was signed, Ghirn continued from where he left off. "Alright, with that settled, we can move on. my name is Ghirn'Lors. The other representatives are Aminata Faye of the United Nations, and Zinzech and Beni of the Sovereignty." Ghirn introduced. Unlike some of the other members of the team, neither of the Sovereignty representatives showed any reaction to August's question. Of course, that did not mean they did not pass judgement on him, it simply meant they were practiced enough in politics to avoid displaying their inner thoughts. Beni, the Tempu representative, took a glance at a few reports on his screen, then continued onto the subject of the meeting. "Now, as for why you are here. The purpose of this meeting, and indeed this entire initiative, is to stop a new threat that has come to light in recent months. They are a cell of rebels, insurrectionists. Sovereignty citizens are among them, so normally, we would handle the situation promptly, but this situation is not so simple, and the Assembly has reconciled that no one government has jurisdiction here." Aminata, the Human representative, activated a three dimensional holographic model of what appeared to be a space station in the center of the table, then proceeded with her part of the briefing. "This station was recently the target of an attack by these rebels. It is located close to the border of Rothian, Human, and Sovereignty territory, not all that far from Pax. The world it orbits is an uncolonized, terrestrial planet with a toxic atmosphere called 39048 Sarentanza. It does not yet even have a common name. The only thing of interest about the world is its high mineral wealth, which was the purpose of the station. Its inhabitants were mostly geologists and other employees of a mining corporation based out of Pax, along with their families. Now, we have reason to believe those people are being held hostage by this rebel group. The planet does not yet officially belong to any of the governments, and both the insurgents and civilians contain citizens of all of our nations, so we have come to the conclusion that it would be mutually beneficial for all involved that we all work together." Ghirn sent each team member a copy of the intelligence on the station and the attack, which both appeared in the form of a screen in front of them. "These are the scouting reports we have on the situation. You may read over them now, and we will also make sure to forward the information to your ship before you leave. The basic plan is this: you will infiltrate the station undetected to locate the hostages. From the plans the corporation that built the station has provided, we have determined a way to jam the station's communications and sensors, so you should be able to slip in undetected. Provided most of them are still alive, there are too many hostages for you to extract alone. As such, your task will be to locate where on the station the hostages are being held. If they are smart, the rebels will be holding them in various locations across the station. We will also be sending a modest sized joint-species fleet with your team. You will relay the hostages' locations to the fleet, then signal their attack. Provided you are fast enough, you should be able to extract the hostages with minimal casualties. From there, you will then aid the assault force in recapturing the station. That is the summarized version of the plan, does anyone have any specific questions?"