I'm not sure if I should go with an iron fisted war loving empire like last time or a nation of capitalist scumbags looking to fan the flames of war for profits enrich the world with their products.
Asura said
I'm not sure if I should go with an iron fisted war loving empire like last time or a nation of capitalist scumbags looking to enrich the world with their products.
duck55223 said
Go Capitalist ScumbagsIm already going with a Empire built on war, honor, and military tradition.
duck55223 said
...My nation is also a Theocracy.
Asura said
...I'll see at the Crusade.
duck55223 said
I dont see how you can Crusade me or the Quad-AllianceCorustaria will be wrecking your ports and trade with there fleet. The State of Austria will bombard you from the air with there mighty air-ships, while my soldiers squash your puny armies. While Vanjaan throws sacks of coins at us to fund it all.
Asura said
Although pre-established alliances from the get go sound lame.
duck55223 said
I dont see how you can Crusade me or the Quad-AllianceCorustaria will be wrecking your ports and trade with there fleet. The State of Austria will bombard you from the air with there mighty air-ships, while my soldiers squash your puny armies. While Vanjaan throws sacks of coins at us to fund it all.
Commodore Robot said
Am I correct in assuming "light steampunk" in this case generally means 1870s with some wacky things as opposed to "modern day or future technology with a thin copper/brass veneer" levels of insanity? I'm putting together a frame for my nation for when the OOC goes up and it would help to know if breachloading rifles are all the rage or if Steam driven tanks are y'know?
Mantido said
Are we really putting in real nations like Germany and Austria?Can I make a Zaporozhian-controlled Russia, and call my people the Sichan Rus?
Mantido said
Are we really putting in real nations like Germany and Austria?Can I make a Zaporozhian-controlled Russia, and call my people the Sichan Rus?
duck55223 said
Actually said nations are inspired by IRL nations, they arent nessecaryly exact copies.