Ace sliced through another giant wasp thingy and knelt down to breath as the larger portion of the mass focused on the others. The guy she came with was within the swarm along with another young man and a girl that- A bright orange diamond sat above the girl's head. Time seemed to slow down. Ace wanted to run and leave the killer behind. No one knew for sure if people really did die for real, but even the threat of it massed large amounts of fear into everyone's minds. But it was her greatest discipline, her greatest strength and it was what has kept her alive these few months. She already knew a few dumbly brave souls had gone a sworn mission to slay every player killer out there, but she didn't get the point. It was the ultimate contradiction and a serious paradox. But then again, running away from them didn't make much since either. Ace flinched as a cut sliced through her pixelated cheek. Sure, it didn't hurt, but everything in this world felt so real and she had been in it so long that at some points she forgot that it [i]wasn't[/i] real. She often wondered if the wounds she got in here somehow materialized in the real world. She imagined herself on a hospital bed in a coma, all wired up as her father is sitting by her bed when suddenly her skin starts to rip open and blood rains out of the wound. Ace dismissed these thoughts and buried them in the files she labeled "Real World". All those distractions, all those memories where no help at getting out. Ace sprinted towards the cyclone of insects and shred through another wasp as the ceiling of the dungeon lit up in blue masses of pixels.