[b]Jack[/b] It wasn't quite as much as he had hoped, but Jack was all the gladder for it. His gratitude showed on his open face as Penny handled it over. He was gladder still that the foxy head had agreed to meet with him after her shift was over! She seemed so cheerful, so happy! If he didn't know better by her strange accent, he would have thought her a coaster from the Rock like himself! The nice thing about being one of the ship's custodians was that he had access to a great many places the majority of the working crew didn't, and he knew just the spot to take her. It was quiet, private, dark, and... beautiful, actually. Even his working man's soul had been touched by it the first time he's seen it during orientation, and he could only hope that Penny would feel the same way. "Dat's just grand den, duck. Best kind," he replied quietly, "So it is. Ya do what it is ya need to be doin', an' when yar done I'll be der the reckly." Jack stood there smiling at her for several more moments, just looking into her round face with obvious appreciation upon his own as he tried to thing of something more to say to her. He knew it was probably rude of him not to directly address the other two men in the kitchen, yet there was simply no way he could not look into Penny's lively eyes. Finally, he coughed in embarrassment and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "I.. ah... I need ta muck off, den, find dem miner fellas an' see if they gots some chummies I can use, eh? Take care til later, den!" He paused another second, before allowing a merry smirk to hit his lips and nodding sharply to her. Jack was well aware he was probably looking the fool if not a drunken one, but that was fine by him. Weren't men supposed to look like dumbstruck idiots when it came to pretty women, after all? So to him, his own silliness was right and proper. He was whistling as he left the cafeteria, looking over his shoulder now and then back towards the kitchen door with a goofy smile still lingering on his lips. Once out of the dining hall, he paused to lean against the corridor wall and catch his breath. Ruefully he shook his head and chuckled. "Not a bad bit nice of it," he mumbled to himself. Jack roused himself then, rallying and carrying himself off towards the mining bays with the large canister of molasses tucked under one arm. His thoughts were right where they should have been (women and rum) as he half skipped his way down to the lower decks where the pods were kept. Entering straight in without so much as care in the world as to whether or not he belonged there, he called out before he even saw anyone. "How's it cutting' der, b'y? Whattya at? Or is no one home, a'tall?" [b]Hob[/b] Hob bit his lower lip as she buried her head into his neck and openly sobbed. Part of him wanted to be shocked! OLGA was still a computer generated personality, so who ever would have thought that whatever emotions she had would be strong enough to bring her to this! It was both terrifying to think of and completely wondrous all at the same time. The cynical artist was nothing if not amazed at this new development. But that was only part of him. The core of who he was, the real Hob, did not have time to be shocked. A friend, someone he was coming to love as more than a friend despite the impossibility of it all, was having a moment and needed someone to share in that moment. Without questioning, Hob embraced her in turn about her small waist and held her close while she cried herself out. He even went so far as to kiss her upon the crown of her head affectionately. Once OLGA had cried herself out, and they parted a small ways from one another, Hob looked into her eyes and sighed. He brushed the tears from her cheeks with the back of one hand as he smiled. "I... need to get to work, kiddo. There's probably a ton of half ass written reports that Yuriko wants me to read with her while Charlie manages the main load for a while. Give me some time to get some distance between here and there so things don't look [i]too[/i] suspicious, alright? I'll swing by before the end of my shift if I can, or the start of next shift if I can't." He hated talking to her over the tablets. It just wasn't the same. "Send me an alert if anything big comes up, though, alright?" He kissed her forehead again tentatively before giving her another smile and heading out of the door and into the access corridor beyond. The smell of the sea and her perfume seemed to follow him. Their ghosts haunted him as he ascended to the upper levels of the system once more and through the messenger database. There was much to do, he regretfully admitted to himself. There was Ghost hunting, reading reports, maintenance, research, updating security protocols; it would probably have been much easier if a pair of teenage eyes weeping tears of simple gratitude didn't fill his mind... ...and leave behind echoes of his passing in the system.