Jurgen was shaking with excitement, but most people would assume it was nervousness. The crowd was going wild, hoping to see this new robot stomped to bits. Big Jim was announced, and stepped into the cage. The crowd continued to cheer wildly. Then Eve stepped up, and the crowd went even crazier, screaming for blood. Then the countdown started, and the two robots got into their fighting stances. The cyborg was probably dangerously close to the cage, but he was too excited to care. This was the beginning of the future for him, all Eve had to do was win. And then the countdown ended, and Big Jim started going ape. The fight seemed almost even, and that wasn't good. The worst part, was that Eve was struggling. He was starting to get worried when a time-out was called. He looked around, confused, when Big Jim's owner appeared, offering him a minute to make some adjustments. Big Jim had retreated to his corner, and Jurgen called Eve over to hers. He climbed up on the fence, and pretended to be adjusting something on her. "All right, I've only got a minute, so listen good. You're too small, and too light, to be going toe-to-toe with Big Jim. But you're a hell of a lot faster, and you can beat him. His pneumatic piston joints are your targets. Take out his legs, take out his arms, and he's helpless, then you win. Don't kill him, we won't have the money to deal with that, even if you win." Jurgen said. He spoke quickly, and quietly, but was careful to make sure that all of his words were intelligible. They needed to win this fight, and it wasn't working Eve's way. Hopefully his insight would help. And if not, well, he had tried, he supposed. Then the time-out was announced to be over, and the timer started again. Jurgen gave Eve two thumbs up and climbed down off the cage, moving away so he could see her fight. The countdown started again, and proceeded rapidly toward a fight restart... ((I'd thought of it as round, but that works too.))