Name: Jae-Mas (Goes by James Irons) Alias: Superboy Age: 17 Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: Vast knowledge of Kryptonian history. Vast knowledge of Robotics and Cybernetics. Fully trained in Torquasm-Rao (Kryptonian Martial Arts) Well versed in the use of weapons. Especially hammers. Powers: Solar Energy Absorption (His body can be sustained solely by solar radiation. Yellow sun radiation gives him these standard powers, Blue Sun radiation supercharges these powers. However, Red Sun radiation is very weak, as such, it cannot sustain him, and forces him to work on his reserves.) Super Strength (Can lift up to 60 tons over his head, thanks to this, his legs are strong enough to allow him to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He is unable to fly due to being young, his flight should come in as he gets older.) Super Durability (As his name suggests, his skin is proportionally stronger than Steel) Super Stamina (Can exhert maximum effort for over an hour before showing signs of fatigue.) Super Speed (Faster than a speeding bullet.) Super Senses (his smell, taste and hearing is better than most dogs, and can see through walls, as well as the entire electro-magnetic spectrum) Heat-Vision (Very unreliable. He's only successfully used it a small number of times, it is his latest power to emerge.) Hurricane/Arctic breath Weaknesses: Kryptonite (Not as weak to it as Superman is, as Green Kryptonite isn't as lethal to James as it is to Clark, instead of intense pain, it instead messes with his hand-eye coordination and causes him to lose his balance and coordination, rendering him unable to fight in a coordinated fashion.) Magic (Kryptonians gained their durability by evolution, they evolved to be able to resist the natural dangers in the universe. Magic is not natural, so they didn't develop a resistance to it) Lead (Cannot see through Lead) Psionics (His outside is practically unbreakable, his inside however...) Kryptonian Rage (He is prone to outbursts of uncontrolable rage. Motherbox keeps this in check.) Radion (Trace amounts of this stuff is fatal) Equipment: Motherbox (A box he claims was made by his adoptive father, it has an extremely intelligent A.I. which possesses Technopathic abilities. It also talks to him and keeps him calm.) History: Not much is known about where he came from, according to Superman, he came from the Phantom Zone. After emerging from the Phantom Zone, John Henry Irons (A new member of the Superman family, by the name of Steel) took him in and raised him by as his own. James was raised alongside John's own daughter, Natasha. For the last several years, they have been working as a Superhero family. This was before the family broke up. Natasha has moved away to College, and John is working a lot more. In order to work better, John decided to set up what he called "Playdates" In which James got to work with other Young Heroes around his age. He has learned a lot from his mentor, who he now refers to as his father. He is very reluctant to talk about his time in the Phantom Zone, but assures everyone that it has nothing to do with his "Anger Issues." His Anger Issues are something that he suffers from for unknown reasons, For this, he was given a small box that he calls "Motherbox." It talks to him and calms him down when he goes over the edge. He claims that John made it for him, however, the technology inside it is FAR beyond anything humanity has ever seen. Appearance: [img][/img] Other: