"I suppose one at a time will have to do." Quite enjoying the turn this little aside had gone -he'd have to find and thank Mowzer, later- Antoine gave a little skip as he followed Ms. Albright over and into the enclosure. It was a gesture that fit his mood wonderfully, so he skipped again, making no motion to have noticed her little jump as the first door slid open. Nervousness or discomfort were common sights to his eyes, both from his time in the military and more recently as a Cryo-tech. It also seemed a somewhat common sight when around Ms. Albright in general, but that didn't mean he would draw attention to it. Such signs were clues to a doctor, tech, or simply an observant companion. They were meant to be heeded, followed, but never commented on, and so Antoine made no comment. Instead he skipped once more as Ms. Albright led the way -truly a wonderful motion, wasn't it?- grin widening at the crystal laughter that rose from her lips to his ears. It drew far more attention than the scenery around, the sights, sounds and feelings of lands he no longer slowed to appreciate. Too much time spent on lookout for danger, possibly? An old friend of his had talked about how critical reading in college had ruined reading for fun... maybe it was the same thing. Same or not, the small, furry, stripey little kittens and their curly-haired caretaker commanded his attention now. He moved over to the enclosure as Ms. Albright moved away, lowering one hand carefully to beckon a curious cat over. "Well at the very least, I'm used to the scratches." A particularly daring youngling started sniffing Antoine's hand, staring longingly up towards the man himself before nuzzling into his palm. With a chuckle, he began to gently pet the tiger-to-be, noting the spots it seemed to prefer, finding that place behind the ear that all cats seemed to love. It didn't take too long before he had the cat sitting with eyes half-closed, leaning into his hand and seemingly enjoying every moment of pampering Antoine lavished upon him. "Alright then, moment of truth..." Leaning in, he broke off the petting to reach down and carefully lift up the cat, ensuring it was fully supported as he stood up and brought it to his chest. One arm cradled it's legs and belly from below, the over curling around in front to scritch it's ear and keep it from trying to leap away. There was a moment of hesitation, but the cat relaxed before long, the continued petting seemingly a proper compensation for being lifted from the ground. "...Aha! Success!" Grinning like a fool, Antoine stepped back with young tiger in his arms, looking over to Ms. Albright as she collected... bottles? Food, yes, she had mentioned that before. "It's not fair that predators get to look this cute." He moved over carefully, ensuring said predator in his arms remained comfortable. "First one to be fed? Or should I set him down first?" ~-~-~-~-~ Mowzer was not in a trusting mood. No matter how nice the human above him had been, nice humans could do [i]very[/i] not-nice things without warning. With a nasty human close by, who had already tried to pick him up, there was no way Mowzer was going to let another human bring their hands close to him anytime soon. So when the nice human lowered hers to tempt him over, he answered with a paw. No claws, no angry bat, just a soft push that any nice human should be able to understand. He stayed under the chair she sat in, and decided it would be his room for now. Sitting down, he began to groom, starting with his tail as he moved slowly up the rest of his body, ensuring he reached every possible spot with care. It wasn't the chair, and it wasn't the lap, but this spot was safe from nasty humans for now, which made it a far better spot than anywhere else. Besides, the nice human above him would probably offer her lap once the nasty ones had left, and he could always rub his cheeks on her legs. It was a good enough spot. Maybe good enough for a nap.