[center][b][I] Chizuko Irozaki - Kumogakure ANBU - Entering the Land of Fire (Part 2)[/I][/b][/center] [b]"...so it turns out that all this time, he wasn't really dead. I had been working under him just like I had been before. And, that's the end of it for now."[/b] Chizuko said with a sigh. Heading towards the Hidden Leaf Villiage with a message from Raikge to Hokage, one would think that the ANBU assigned to do such a task would not be walking casually along with a little white haired boy named Kohaku. Chizuko did desperately want to get back on task with her mission, but having been distracted had caused her to need to do a few things she did not want to, first. One of which was tell a story about her friend/Raikage, without blowing his cover and without sounding like some sort of woman with no hope of ever getting to the man she loved.... which was also not the case! [b]"That story was more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Obaa-chan will be so happy to hear that one!"[/b] he said with an excited hop. [b]"So you paid attention? I dont want you running back here to get details after you have gone away."[/b] she said bitterly. This was the most talking Chizuko had probably done in her entire life. She didn't like wasting breath on things like this. [b]"Now will you scram? I have work to do now."[/b] [b]"Of course! I'll get out of your hair now. ...Which is really pretty by the way!"[/b] Kohaku said while turning around to head back to his home. [b]"And don't forget your promise to bring him around next time!"[/b] he said as he started to run off. [b]"Hey! I didn't promise such a thing!"[/b] she called but he was likely not listening to her. Frowning and scoffing as she turned and began on her way at a fast pace, she mumbled. [b]"I only promised that I would try."[/b] --- It took Chizuko a full day and night's trip to finally get to the gates of the Hidden Leaf Villiage. She would have gotten there sooner if her mind had been in the right place during that time. No matter how badly she wanted to focus on the mission at hand, her mind kept drifting back to the family in the forest. Why she had instantly felt so at ease around them. Why they had invited her into their home so nicely. In an odd way, the two elders reminded her of her parents, and she found herself wondering, had they not have been killed, if they would end up such a happy-go-lucky couple as well. In the short time she spent with the three, Chizuko felt more at home than she ever had in a number of years. Perhaps that was the reason she allowed herself to stay. Though the time was not a good one, she felt that she needed the time to sit and be normal if only for a short while. After she had dwelled on those thoughts for a long time, she began to focus on her mission, only to have her last meeting with the Raikage continuously pop into her mind. She began to get frustrated with herself and the suddenly feelings she felt that had also begun to appear at a bad time. She had a job to do, and so did he. Even if she [i]was[/i] interested in trying to spend more time with him, with his work schedule, it would likely be impossible. This thought made her sad to an extent. Chizuko at least wanted to be able to catch up with him, but knew that if things began to become sensitive between them, things might become complicated. In any case, it was well known that Chizuko took little interest in anyone, romantically that is. While a few of her Jounin comrades were settling down and allowing themselves to relax in their free time, Chizuko was always focused on her work. Not considering the differences in rank, many of them often reminded her she was growing older and should not be always so wound up over work and things. They told her that she wasn't the only ANBU and had a right to take a break every once in a while, and while it was all true, Chizuko never found a reason to 'relax' or do such things as 'go out' or 'make friends'. Unlike many, she actually enjoyed working under Takeru and helping in little ways to keep things running smoothly as they are. When she was not on duty or sent to a mission, she often stood upon high rooftops and watched the villagers as a past time. It gave her purpose, thinking about everyone and making sure she was doing all she could to preserve the safety of everyone in the villiage. Speaking of doing all she could, after some time her mind finally stopped thinking about other things and began to refocus on her mission. As she neared the gates of the Hidden Leaf, she slowed her pace to a walk as she approached one of the ninja that was stationed as guard there. Instead of speaking to him right away, she waited for him to address her first out of respect. [b]"Welcome. Kindly state your purpose for being here."[/b] he said in a nice tone that also sounded a bit bored. It was when he noticed her mask that he stood a little straighter and looked a bit more focused. Reaching into her hip pouch, Chizuko retrieved the scroll Takeru had given her and held it out for him to see who it was adressed to. [b]"I have been sent by Lord Raikage to personally deliver a message to your Hokage."[/b] she said simply before putting it away. The Jounin nodded, turned, and made some sort of signal with his hands just before two Konoha ANBU appeared before them. [b]"These two will escort you there and back. Please follow them."[/b] he said in a serious tone. [b]"Thank you."[/b] she said and looked at the two. One of them nodded and then they were off with Chizuko following closely behind. It took them little time to reach the Hokage's office, and Chizuko was thankful for the escort. She found herself looking out around the villiage as they made their way there, and she was pleasantly surprised at how pretty and lively it was. Even as they entered the building, the two ANBU stayed at her side until they approached a door to which she assumed belonged to the Hokage. [b]"Wait here. I will see if Lord Hokage is free to see a visitor."[/b] one said before knocking. Turning around as she waited to be called inside, Chizuko went to a wall and leaned against it, sighing, as the thought of her friend began to creep back into her mind.