[center][b][i]The Fight in the Dark, Excelling teamwork! A collab between Little Alice, Chromehound and Gerontis.[/b] Summary : Approached by an unknown enemy that has a rather interesting ability, Kiyomi and Hayate fight back as they are forced to find a way to counter the unknown ability of their opponent.[/center][/i] [hider=In the Dark] Tossing the sentient blade towards Kiyomi, Hayate did not want that man getting close to either of them. Pulling out several shuriken, he sent them hurling towards the mans legs. Hopefully he would be able to force the enemy to slow down, giving both of them enough time to prepare a defense. Looking around them, he realized that they didn't have many options of escape. Withdrawing the staff from his back, Hayate held it out in front of himself, preparing to defend against their oncoming opponent. Catching the handle of the blade, it shivered as it was now wielded by whom he had declared his rightful owner. Or just user. Wielding the greatsword with two hands, Kiyomi adjusted her stance to a more defensive one. Narrowing her eyes, she was focusing rather on the surrounding of the man. She couldn't see anything strange. No chakra that was visible or any signals that the man was using some sort of force field that kept objectives and even explosions at bay. [i]Though it seems he is a bit hit by the first explosion. Though that is maybe due surprise.[/i] She thought to herself. Then she adjusted her stance again, before charging at the man. [b]''Bring it.''[/b] She sneered, readying her blade to swing at the man at a right sweep once she would be in range. The shuriken were deflected as they weren't able to reach the man. He stopped as he noticed that the girl was now charging at him. Frowning, the man readied himself with the threat coming in a charge at him. Opening his fist, the blue chakra at his right hand started to expand a bit while he seemed to ready himself to dodge the strike of Kiyomi. Watching carefully, Hayate readied himself to assist his sensei. The hallway was not incredibly wide, and he didn't wish for either of them to get caught up in a bad position, so for now he held back. It took a lot of willpower for Hayate not to charge in after Kiyomi to make sure this man didn't hurt her, but Hayate knew just how skilled she was, and he trusted that she could keep herself safe. Trying to find a weak point in their opponent, Hayate waited to see the results of Kiyomi's attack. He pulled out two more shuriken and threw them towards the opposite side of the man, hoping that these ones might get through while he was distracted by Kiyomi. Noticing some sounds in the air currents from behind her, Kiyomi decided to ignore it. It could be likely Hayate and she had to trust him with guarding her back. Briefly her eyes eyed the fericious looking technique of their opponent. It reminded her of her own Sparkle technique. In a normal situation it would pique her interest, but not now. Like she wanted to try out, she noticed that she could enter the near surrounding of her opponent. Skidding to a halt, she turned around to bring more power at her swing, directing it at the mid section of the man in front of her. While she swung her weapon, sharp darkblue scales penetrated through the bandages, ready to rip the clothing and flesh of her opponent. With his focused only being now on Kiyomi, the man had to act fast. Her attack wasn't one he wanted be hit by, so he had to move backwards. With a quick jump, he managed to avoid in the nick of time that the sentient greatsword would hit him. Only to be disturbed as two thuds rang. The two shuriken fell to the ground, causing no effect than that it seemed to briefly catch the man's attention. Noticing the way the man moved back to avoid Kiyomi's attack, Hayate's brow furrowed slightly. Cursing under his breath as the shuriken were stopped once again, Hayate moved to the side. This man was clearly capable of blocking even attacks that he couldn't see coming, meaning that whatever was protecting him was acting of its own accord. Standing his staff on the ground, Hayate merged it with the metal of the floor. He pulled out two kunai and overcharged them, setting them to explode before reaching their target. At the same time, his free hand sent chakra through the staff and into the metal floor of the hallway. Concentrating on what he was trying to do, Hayate caused the metal on the floor behind the man to start doing something strange. Cursing softly under her breath, Kiyomi readied herself for another attack. Pouring some chakra in the sentient blade, it started to shiver more. After she heard more projectiles coming from behind her, Kiyomi decided to ready herself as she would wait for Hayate's kunai to approach the man. Only when they were near the man, she came into action. Holding the greatsword more in front of her, she went in with another charge. For a moment, the man wavered. He lowered his right arm a bit as the kunai were about to reach the field. Only to explode. The smoke and push of the gust were held by his ability, but the smoke was keeping his opponents away from his sight. Realizing that it wasn't good to be surprised, he made a few quick steps backwards as he wanted to take a more defensive stance. [b]''What?''[/b] The smoke prevented Hayate from fully seeing if the man had fallen for his trap, but he hoped that it was working. The metal floor behind the man had become mostly liquid in nature, which would cause the opponent's feet to sink below the surface. Hayate couldn't make it too deep, as he was still unable to control the entirety of the metal due to whatever it was that was blocking him. But the metal would also be incredibly difficult to step out of as it was beginning to shift back into a more solid state. Hayate hoped that his plan would work, or at least buy Kiyomi enough time to launch her attack. If he could hold the man in place then maybe, just maybe then could end this soon. Out of the smoke, a large mouth with rows of sharp teeth came directly for the man. Samehada made a eerie sound as it was excited to set his jaws around what ever he could get out of the man. However, as the sentient shark sword came from the right, Kiyomi jumped out of the some from the left. She had jumped to land her feet at the wall. With the shark sword approaching the man from the right, while being stuck, she would push herself from the wall to land a kick against the man, trying to aim for a place like the neck. His eyes widened as he noticed what was happening. Though the man had some good reflexes, a lot of things were happening at the same time. He was trapped in some metal that was having him in a firm grip. If that wasn't annoying enough, that living blade rushed out of the smoke to approach him from the right. Staring in the approaching jaws, the man grunted. He had tried to dodge the razor sharp teeth, only to be grazed at his shoulder by the scales. Trying to lean away from the blade, he slammed his hand against the scaled blade. But this left him open for the attack from the left. Before the man could react, he felt the pain at his neck. Grunting, he could feel how the kick would have some nasty effect. Though dizzy by the kick and grave situation, he was trying to react back and attack Kiyomi. The smoke cleared enough for Hayate to see his target as Kiyomi launched her attack. A sense of relief filled him as he realized the man was caught in his trap. [i]So he can be touched after all,[/i] Hayate thought to himself, sending another surge of chakra through his staff and into the metal under the man's feet. Clenching his fist tightly around the staff, the metal that surrounded their opponent's ankles would suddenly become solid again. If the man did not move in time then both of his feet would be cut off at the ankles. Hayate already began preparing for his next attack, in case the first was ineffective. Landing on her feet, Kiyomi instantly jumped a bit backwards. She was glad that they had managed to land a good succession of several attacks on the man. The scales of Samehada suddenly expanded, impaling the shoulder and arm of the man as the blade started to leech the man's chakra. [b]''We will take him alive.''[/b] Kiyomi whispered the order, but sure enough that Hayate would hear it. Pulling out a kunai, she focused on what would happen next. The man gasped for air. The sharp scales wasn't the only damage done. The team work of the two enemies was overwhelming. Though the man opened his jaw, he couldn't release a sound. The pain seemed to silence him while he turned pale. Blood started to form a puddle around his ankles. Or where his ankles had been. Losing blood and with his charkra being leeched from him, the man wasn't able to counter or react to the continues attacks of Kiyomi and Hayate. Breathing heavily, the man closed his eyes as he tried to free himself from the greatsword that had him now pinned in place. Nodding his head, Hayate took some of the metal from the floor underneath the man and used it to cover the two stumps he now had in place of feet. It would stop the bleeding, for now, and allow Kiyomi to ask whatever she needed. Wanting to make sure that the man would not be capable of surprising them, Hayate allowed a little more of the metal to begin flowing across the man's body, slowly covering him in the substance. If the man tried to attack them, all it would take would be a simple signal from Hayate and the metal would send thousands of spikes into his body. [b]"Understood sensei."[/b] Was all he replied. Spinning the kunai, she eyed the man. Both Samehada as Hayate were further injuring and pinning the man down. Though she knew that the man would likely have no real answers about the place, she had something else in mind. Walking to the front of the man, she glared directly in his eyes. [b]''Were you made to be a weapon?''[/b] She asked with a cold tone. She kept spinning the kunai, while having her eyes fixed on the man's. The face of the man started to look surprised before he huffed his cheeks, only to cough up blood. The damage that was further inflicted on him made it hard for him to speak up. The incredible pain that started to spread over his body was starting to make him feel light in the head. Hearing her question, the man however managed to grin. So far one could recognize one in the pain tormented face of the unknown man. [b]''Aren't we all weapons?''[/b] He asked back, before coughing up more blood. The damage that was done would mean he would bleed to death. [b]''I-I-Its too late..''[/b] Staying in his position, Hayate would await any further orders from Kiyomi. Though the man's words angered him, Hayate would not react unless she gave the word. He kept a close eye on their enemy, making sure that he would not try anything. If he did... Hayate was all too tempted to simply end the man's life right now, but he held back. Sighing, Kiyomi wondered now why she had even buggered. Until something dawned. With a quick move, she plunged the kunai in the neck of the man. Twisting the weapon to rip more tissue and hoping to heavily damage an atery. Pulling out the kunai, she noticed that the wound sprayed a bit blood out. [b]''We will quickly check up what is ahead. Then fall back to meet up with the other team. I get a bad feeling from this.''[/b] Kiyomi said. Pulling out his extended scales out of the man, the handle of Samehada moved towards Kiyomi. Wrapping her hand around the handle, she lifted the greatsword and placed it in the special scabbard on her back that would keep the shark blade there. But before she moved, Kiyomi glanced at their opponent. [b]''Pitiful.''[/b] Then she started to walk towards the previous room they had been in. The lab that they had founded. Slightly confused, Hayate clenched his fist and caused the spikes to shoot into the man's body. Just in case. He didn't like taking chances, so before he removed his staff from the floor, Hayate set the metal surrounding the man to explode in a short period of time. It wouldn't be a large explosion, but it should be enough to destroy what was left of his body. Retreiving his staff, Hayate followed after Kiyomi. Moving into the lab, the room was nothing more than rubble. Some of the more stubborn furniture had somehow survived the explosion. At least, their shape. Even the walls were showing signs of the damage. Letting out a short whistle, Kiyomi placed her left hand at her hip as she examined the room. [b]''Nicely done. However, now stay calm with your chakra. You have used quite some jutsu. Beter would be to stay in supportive now.''[/b] Kiyomi advised, as she looked sideways at Hayate. She had the idea of passing some chakra off Matatabi towards Hayate, but decided against it. It felt wrong. While she had no problem off doing it by most people, it felt wrong by him and a few others. Certainly with knowing the risk that the powerful chakra had. [b]''So, we can either continue or try to catch our breath here.''[/b] Nodding his head reluctantly, Hayate knew she was right. He was beginning to feel the strain of having used up so much chakra. Despite the fact that he had large reserves, Hayate had used a lot of techniques in this godforsaken place, not to mention their run on the stairs... [b]"Sorry Kiyomi. I will work on my control from here out."[/b] He hesitated for a moment, considering her question. [b]"I will follow whatever decision you make Kiyomi-sama, but my thought would be that we should continue. We don't know how Kensuke and the others are faring, and we also don't know how much of this place we have to search. The more time we take, the more energy we may waste."[/b] That was true and she was afraid that the place would be big. Thus one way to cover it was to use shadow clones, but Kiyomi wasn't fond of them. Even with the use of a portion of Matatabi's chakra reserve and her good chakra control, Kiyomi didn't like it that shadow clones would cut her reserve in half. In a situation like this, it would mean that she would waste and rush out of chakra. [b]''I think we should try to find some supportive pillars and then rig them. If we can't scout the place fully, lets burry it. I think that those who have suffered here deserve a resting place.''[/b] [/hider]