Jurgen came to Eve's aid. Not with adjustments but with some advice. During this time Eve hadn't moved from her spot on the ground. She was actually calculating how strong this guy was from what she had experienced so far. When Jurgen was half finished she started to grin, giving a beastly stare towards Big Jim. "Don't worry Jurgen." She replied, keeping quiet enough so the crowd and such wouldn't hear. "This time I get to fight more seriously it seems. He's strong, but if I keep my balance I can beat him even in strength." She chuckled softly when time was up, slowly getting up from the ground and facing her opponent once again. When the fight started it started the same as the first time. Big Jim moved in for the kill right away, and Eve dashed forwards. But from that point on everything changed. Instead of trying to hit the bot, Eve turned towards the arm that was coming for her left side. Then, instead of taking the blow head on she let it slide past her, using the friction to give herself spinning momentum. With that momentum she kicked the robot right in the face, destroying one of it's two 'eyes'. Big Jim staggered backwards. But Eve didn't let up. This was the perfect chance to do some real damage. Once she was firmly on the ground with both feet she turned to the bot and prepared for a punch. "Hraaaa!" She screamed, hitting Big Jim against one of it's two legs. The joint connecting it to the torso snapped in half like it was made of wood. And down the bot went, falling to the ground. He wasn't down and out yet, but this was certainly a huge change in Eve's favour.