[b][center]Kamiria Haruhino[/center][/b] Both Niji and Kazuma made their own attempts at consoling her. Kamiria was sure they meant well, but she also had a feeling it was just empty words. Less an authentic appraisal that she wasn't useless and more a token attempt to placate her. But she wasn't about to get caught up on something of little importance like that. If she wasn't useless, she would express it by doing something meaningful. Then, she would be content with herself, and anything else wouldn't matter a bit. As Niji drew her into a hug, she heard the possibility of a mission thrown around. She could hardly imagine them doing anything else with their time. Training was one thing, but field experience was entirely another. She was all too eager to get out there and test herself genuinely for the first time in a long time. Hopefully, her exercises would be reflected by her performance. [b]"I'm all in favor of departing on a mission."[/b] She told the two of them. [b]"Sensei, did you have something specific in mind already?"[/b] They were planning to go on a mission, but he had yet to speak of what kind of mission they were going on. Kamiria thought this would be a rather important detail, but she assumed that Kazuma had already planned it out.