Accepted custom Skills
Giovanni Cain
[hider=Ensis Exsequens]
Name (& Number) of Skill: hado 40: Ensis Exsequens
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant. 
Days/points to learn: 5
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio

Description: this Kido creates a blade of reiatsu over a fist. The length of the blade depends on the users skill and how much energy they put into it. 

Picture: (if one is available)


[hider=Oathbreaker wave (kido corps archives)]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Oathbreaker wave (# 80)
Type of Skill: Hado
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant
Days/points to learn: 5
Inventor: unkown
Incantation: “roar triumphant with Azure rage, Divide stagnant blaze. Strike sword of Damocles, rain down auroran damnation” 
Public?: yes
Teachable: yes
Users: Gio

Picture: (if one is available) [img=]

[hider=Furo-En (Kido Corps Archives)]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Furo-En Hado 40
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : "ye Lord, Masked in dragons bone. spready your wing. ye who bears the name devine. Infernal hellfire, a raging see ablaze. ignite this realm. "
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it


Picture: (if one is available)

[hider=Kaze sho (kido Corps Archives]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Bakudo 7. Kaze Sho
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 1
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : none
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: A blast of wind. doesnt really damage but its good for getting hollows out of your grill.



[hider=Zanrashi (kido Corps Archives)]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Hado 21 Zanrashi 
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 1
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . "shred to peices, grind to dust. engulf rage setting calm asside. blow
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: your standard Razor wind type kido. not all to high on cutting power but it works on hollows and thats what matters. 


[hider=Dark Dragons Breath (Kido Corps Archives)]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Hado 43 Dark dragons Breath
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . "come wind, dark spirits. Clad in darkness suge forth, mind-devouring tyrants howl."
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: a blast of dark colored wind, that packs one hell of a walop. It pummels as well as cuts but the cuts arent deep. 


[hider=Lotus Cannon (Kido Corps Archives)]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Bakudo 54 Lotus cannon
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . :" Swirl among the realms of gods. erupt among the land of man. dare not devide the angels footsteps for the demons shall pursue"
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: A Twister of wind shoots from the users out stretched hand. The air current pins the target to a a surface, if used from above it can either trap them in the eye of the twister or pin them to the ground. if trapped in the becomes extremely difficult to dodge anything coming at them...


Name (& Number) of Skill: Battery seal
Type of Skill: Kido/seal
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant. 
Days/points to learn: 5
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio

Description: this seal stores reiatsu from its bearer for later use. It can absorb small amounts over long periods of time or be poured into till capacity. It is not advised to store more energy that the bearers soul is capable of withstanding. 

Picture: (if one is available)



[hider=Butterfly Dragon fang]

Name (& Number) of Skill: Butterfly Dragon fang
Type of Skill: Hakuda
Rank of Skill: unseated (gets stronger with more skill)
Days/points to learn: 2

Incantation: N/A
Public?: (Yes )
Teachable: Yes
Users: Sinai

Description: A lunging punch that releases built up energy on contact. More skilled user can envelop themselves in their energy to defend while attacking (as shown in Gif)

Picture: (if one is available)

higher level

[b]Pending Custom Skills [/b]

Name (& Number) of Skill: hado 40. Hassha
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: Gio
Incantation: : None
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: The user closes their fist, save for two fingers, and then swipes it backwards, causing a large sphere of energy to shoot towards the target


Name (& Number) of Skill: hado 37 Nagareboshi
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 2
Inventor: Gio
Incantation: : None
Public?: after Gio creates is yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: The user puts both their hands to their sides and releases several arrows composed of spirit energy towards their target 


Name (& Number) of Skill: Bakudo 91. black shell
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: Captain
Days/points to learn: 6
Inventor: Gio
Incantation: : None
Public?: no
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio

Description: Forms a very condensed barrier. taking the stopping power of Danku and compressing it to the size an shape of the image below its stopping power is greatly amplified at the expense of size. it can hover over ones arm like a shield (3 post duration. once per battle)



[hider=Dragon Needle]
Name (& Number) of Skill: Dragon needle
Type of Skill: Hakudo
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 4
Inventor: Sinai’s clan
Incantation: : None
Public?: no
Teachable: Yes
Users: Sinai

Description: This is achieved by collecting the rotational force of one's motion until it forms unto a needle, forged by their own Spirit energy. At that point, that collected atmospheric force would then be directed from the circular motion into a straight line (via punch), where it is sent barreling into the target.


[hider=Butterfly rising]
Name (& Number) of Skill: butterfly rising
Type of Skill: Hakudo
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: Sinai’s clan
Incantation: : None
Public?: no
Teachable: Yes
Users: Sinai

Description: A combination of attacks that volley the opponent into the air before launching them back down to earth with a powerful axe kick…or weapon…
