Mika sighed. Rubbing the left side of her neck, she wasn't in the best mood. Though she kept acting nice to others, she still had fresh memories of the 3DMG training. In her first try she had found it both exciting as scary. Only by probably a sheer amount of luck had she managed to pass it. Though she hadn't heard anything that was bad with her performance, Mika had been close on the verge of puking and screaming. What kind of crazy scientist had ever developed something like that? She would be sooner killed by that damn 3DMG gear than that she would be crushed, eaten or any other way killed by a titan. Not really a comforting thought, but Mika couldn't really take it as anything positive. The only good news was that she had passed. Together with others that had passed, Mika kept trying to increase people that seemed to be useful for later. Though she kept her socializing at a minimum. It would become too troublesome or worse if somebody would start questioning why she was trying to befriend so many people. With still keeping in touch with Noelle, Mika decided that she would sooner or later try to gain some connection with a better student. If she could find somebody who could teach her how to use that darn 3DMG gear better, she would have a better chance of gaining the success she wanted for her goal. Though she knew it was silly to keep thinking and looking that far away in the future, it was also the only thing that kept her motivated to keep on going. During the next few trainings that followed, Mika managed to become better. Not that great, but just average. Which was for now good enough for her. For all she cared, everybody that wanted could go to the MP and become some fat pigs that would defend the king. And those who wished to join the Survey Corps being nom'ed by titans. Her wish for true freedom was all that she cared for. Only her goal and getting better was the most important! --- [i]Stay focused...Focused![/i] Mika thought. She bite her lower lip as she directed the right hook into a thick branch. Using the gas to speed herself up, Mika kept her legs ready as she would prepare to make the turn. Squinting her eyes, she managed to time her action. With a movement, she planted her feet at the bask of the tree, kicking herself off the tree while giving more gas, to maneuver in a faster way while turning. Releasing the hook, she would direct herself in a faster way forward. [i]Maybe this isn't so bad as it first wa-[/i] [b]''Oef!''[/b] Mika had calculated her turn not that great. With the fast speed, she felt how a few branches hit her right shoulder. It wasn't that painful, but she was surprised and had almost crashed against a tree. Managing to direct the left hook into another tree to her left, she managed to correct herself to stay in the path she wanted to fly. Though she wanted to rub the painful spot, Mika tried to focus again. [i]If I ever find the developer of this hell thing, I will...[/i]