Srath suppressed a smirk from sneaking onto his reptilian face at the mercenaries question and the minor reactions form the group. He didn't know exactly what the Masulu were expressing as he hadn't that much experience with thier species, though he guessed that they saw it as incredibly selfish from what he knew of their culture. This was not as true with the humans, the one who preferred to go by the name Coin flushed slightly in embarrassment while looking like she wanted to strike the effeminate mercenary. He suspect he wouldn't be able to suppress his laughter if she did. The other, Ashley, seemed very interested in the answer from the gathered officials. When the display of the form popped upward from the table, Srath began skimming over the legal form. It seemed fairly standard except for some tighter security and non-disclosure requirements than he was used to. Once he and the others had signed theirs the briefing kicked into full swing, and Srath could hardly believe what he was hearing. It was taxing Srath's self control a great deal to keep his considerable frustration from letting any number of the accusatory statements that were piling up. 'They let them fortify themselves, because they couldn't who to send.' Srath forced himself to stop the aimless frustration from building. 'It can't be helped now, chew somebody's ear off later.' He thought, using a human expression. 'Rescue them first.' Sath did have one question though. "What demands have they made?"