Erios stared at the tall structure of Gilmer's Tower. The girl told her self over and over; this was a really stupid idea. The quest she'd been sent on was simple enough; there was a low level wasp-like monster in Gilmer's tower; kill it and collect it's drop, bring it back and she'd receive 120 col. The NPC that she'd received it rom was slightly... interesting, maybe a little bit shady, but it seemed easy enough. Low level boss... Erios was quick on her feet, as she'd taken up the speed skill sprint, but she also had spent time leveling up her hiding and searching skill. At her belt, her long dagger hung ready to be drawn. She only carried that weapon, but with her speed and stealth it was easily deadly enough to take out a low level monster. She breathed, drawing her dagger, and repeating her thought like a mantra: This was a bad idea... As she entered Gilmer's tower, she opened her menu, selecting her Searching skill and opening Tracking mode. She also equipped the Hiding skill, so to blend in with her surroundings, making her harder to see for both players and monsters. She followed the highlighted footsteps on the ground, the dark area also becoming clear, another perk of the Searching skill. Faintly, she could hear a slight buzzing in the distance. That meant she was getting close to this wasp monster. Then it hit her; the sound of a shout and the clanging of a sword. Players? Why were there players fighting one low level monster? She went faster, quickening her stride. When Erios turned the corner, she found that she had been drastically mislead... There was no low level monster; there was an enormous swarm of Giant Wind Wasps, encircling a group of about six players. Erios stifled a yelp, but cut herself short by covering her mouth. Her Hiding skill was useless now that she'd given away her position, as one of the wasps turned towards her, racing forward and baring it's stinger. She turned heel and dashed in the opposite direction, but faltered in her stride. She hit the ground, striking her palms against the dungeon's floor. The wasp bore down on her, but she simultaneously swung her arm, bringing her dagger into the monster's side. It shattered into blue hexagons, but not before it's stinger collided with her arm. Erios found herself stunned, unable to move because of the wasp's attack. It seemed that another wasp had seen her, as it flew towards the stunned girl. She had about 8 seconds of effect left, but the wasp would be there before she could move again. This had definitely been a bad idea.