Sorry... Long post. Cimmeria was a realm of shadow. Its black moon giving off dark energy. Shadow had a sentience of sorts. And in the middle was Noxidia a city build by the people for their rulers. The people loved them. But that was a different time. Now people thought that Emperor Seviec and Empress Prilasi were loved just as well. People were wrong. The ShadowBound, while rare, were warriors of the highest degree. Bound to their shadow, it came to be part of their soul, giving them dominion over darkness and shadow. They fought for their beloved Emperor long ago, as they do today. Yet something is wrong in the ranks. A single ShadowBound warrior has grown to resent the Empress, hate her even. Now he will start a rebellion. Will you take part or will you fight to defend the Empire? OOC: My character Marek starts the rebellion but others may lead it. I'm going to limit characters on a first come first serve basis. Ideads Include: Rebellion Head Emperor Empress Royal Children Rebel Department Leader Rebel Warrior Empire Warrior Rebel Archer Empire Archer Rebel Healer Empire Healer Neutral Healer Civilian Ex-Warrior (Neutral) Shop Owner Supply Smuggler Spy Sell Sword Limited Shadow Bound: 11 remaining spots Sorry this is so long. Please let me know what you think. Opinions and suggestions welcome.