(Collaboration between ConstableWalrus and KuroTenshi) [i]Ragnarsson Household, Trelleborg[/i] He took a cloth from the boiling water; before Vigi could take it, and he started to clean the wound around Robbie’s head, pulling off the bloodied dressing and giving him a fresh one; he rolled his shoulders and sighed “Not much more we can do, other that hopefully if he does wake up he’ll be all there upstairs…” He ground his teeth together slightly, looking over Robbie before glancing at Vigi “I will be fine, no injuries, just tired and sore, By morning i’ll be good enough.” Having laid Robbie’s head down lightly he stood again and rolled his shoulders cold in the thin undershirt “I hope Tora is alright, at least she will be warm, she has my robe.” He shuddered lightly and went towards the fire. “The only thing keeping my eyes open is my own bullheaded stubbornness.” Vigi smirked, watching Anndrais critically. After all he had attempted to brush aside his own injuries. He understood, there was always a bit of embarrassment for a healer when they were hurt and were the ones that needed caring. “And fear Ragnar will be less than happy with discovering us here.” He watched Anndrais roll his shoulders for what must’ve been the hundredth time and stood up. “I can help with the soreness.” He offered, approaching him and resting his hands on his shoulders. “I’ve no stones but hands work just as well to ease sore muscles.” He joked, rubbing his thumbs where he felt a giant knot in Anndrais’s shoulders. Anndrais sighed “Of course, but there is little we could do he leaned forward slightly warming up near the fire wishing he had his robe, and he thought of Tora, hoping she was alright. And wishing he had her here was well, not that he did not trust Wilfred, but he simply wanted his patient nearby. That thought was soon interrupted by the feeling of Vigi’s hands on his shoulders his thumbs pressing into the knot’s on his shoulders and Anndrais immediately shook him off and turned holding his hands up “I said i’m good… Please don’t touch me. No offense and all, but I don’t quite feel comfortable having you rub my shoulders.” “Just a bit awkward, where I come from that usually is what a woman does for a man, so if you would, please don’t It makes me feel terribly awkward.” He said looking at the mans very feminine features and grimacing as if someone struck him with an awful thought. He turned again towards the fire “Again no offense, but i’ll feel better when I start reading… You need to sit, you might have something broken the way you were limping.” He sighed glad of not having the man’s hands on him. He made a face like he had an awful taste in his mouth; reminded him to much of the Greek’s. and he shuddered at the thought. he lifted his head and turned “Now lie down or sit down, no more of it.” He said turning to look down at Vigi trying not to laugh “Simple misunderstanding of culture I assume… You know if you all practice that you do remind me of the Greek’s, most are now gone, but the tomes on how they used to live? Very… Interesting to say the least.” Vigi blinked watching the larger man ramble and grow all flustered over one touch. He bit his lip to keep him grinning or laughing. He put his hand on his hip, drumming his fingers against his waist. “Usually it’s a woman that performs seidr as well.” He said. “We believe that women have a special connection with our gods and magic. On rare occasions though a man such as myself takes the role if we have the same talent as they do.” He leaned back against a post and watched Anndrais’s back with a smile curling on his lips. He’d had enough of life and death tension hanging over his head. Time for a bit of fun. “It’s also rare for a man because some spells require a vigorous bout of sex to perform with the seidrmadr taking the traditional place of the seidkona.” He stated bluntly. Anndrais nodded “Then you were gifted with an odd profession then…” He said, and watched him as he leaned against the post and as vigi similed he raised an eyebrow “what is so funny?” And as he spoke Anndrais’s eyes went wide. “That is…” He caught awkwardly, wishing suddenly he was somewhere else “Interesting I guess” He shifted slightly and looked away really not wanting to make eye contact with the man “Well, good for you I guess.” He chuckled awkwardly “Well, you should still sit, your rib must be killing you, and I should go grab that medicine… You know, for the patient and all.” And Anndrais slowly made his way to the door. Vigi wanted to burst out laughing after seeing the look on the Christian’s face. Keeping in his laughter hurt his rib but he didn’t care. “Wait.” Vigi called out to stop him reaching behind him for a large fur pelt and a blanket from the sleeping benches. “You shouldn’t go outside without some covering.” He said moving to stand in front of Anndrais so he could drape the blanket and then the pelt over his shoulders. “Wouldn’t want you to freeze to death.” He smiled, looking up at him from under his pale eyelashes. “I hope you don’t judge us too harshly for that particular tradition. But some of the greatest power in the world comes to you when you give up complete control and let things grow...wild.” His voice dropped down a couple of octaves and he ran a hand briefly down Anndrais’s chest as though he were smoothing the folds in the blanket before he stepped away. Anndrais, looked back “Listen I don’t need the blankets, the land I come from is just as cold and harsh, it’s a short walk from here…” And as Vigi kept putting on the blankets and furs Anndrais grit his teeth “Enough Vigi.” He was about to speak how he did not judge him for whatever they must do, when he felt the hand roll down his chest and him speak of things growling wild. Anndrais immediatly shrugged off the blankets and furs tossing them to Vigi. “Please, do not do that…” He shuddered “That is awkward, and I think you are messing with me, God only hopes you are. This is just to awkward, go sit down and rest your rib this is the last time I will say it. I will be back shortly with the medicine.” He pushed him aside roughly and opened the door the chill coming in and he turned back “And next time, I would warn you to not do that jest with Orran, he would have really messed up your face for that hand down the chest…” Anndrais gestured to his own bearded face and made a snapping motion at the nose. “Blood would have been everywhere, you are lucky I am more even tempered.” And with that he made his way to walk out. Vigi allowed his face to split into a grin when Anndrais turned his back to him. He was pushing his luck, but this was way too much fun. He would not deny that when he felt like it he could be as mischievous as Loki himself. “My, my you sound awfully defensive. Are you hiding something dear monk?” He asked, sitting down and crossing his legs casually, still grinning like a satisfied trickster. “I did nothing more than tell you about my occupation and offer you something to keep you warm. You seem to be balking a lot over nothing.” Anndrais stopped and he growled out “You are lucky again, I have a good temperament, but it has it’s limits… Just please, get some rest i’ll be back.” and he glanced back “Perhaps you could share that little bit of information with Ragnar hmm? I do not think you’d survive after pulling that stunt Vigi. I would urge you caution.” He sighed and stepped out into the cold and shuddered closing the door behind him and rolled his eyes, that was just plain weird he mused, and trudged off to his and Orran’s temporary shelter where he kept the supplies. Vigi could not keep in his laughter anymore and he let it ring out, laying back on the benches and wrapping an arm around his torso. Oh it hurt to laugh. It really did but he didn’t care. He hadn’t laughed like this in a while and it felt good even if it hurt and it was pretty damn rotten of him. Of course he wouldn’t have tried something like that with a warrior, especially one with a bad temper. Normally he wouldn’t have done something like that at all with someone like Anndrais who probably capable of picking him up and throwing him. But the Christian’s face had been priceless and watching him sputter and get all flustered was hilarious. Plus he could tell Anndrais wasn’t as volatile as his partner probably was, so he knew it safe to push the man a bit. He finally had to force himself to calm down his laughter when it really started to get too painful. “I’m such a git.” He chuckled to himself.