Without thinking, Opus sealed his suit tightly around his wrist, and removed his glove, revealing a heavily scarred and what appeared to be previously burnt hand. A slight humming sound emanated from the contract as his thumb was scanned, and the form was signed. The agent was beyond waiting, and had done this before a million times. Though he could understand the need for this little gesture of trust in this instance, regarding a multi species task force and four governments likely to be held liable for any screw ups. Best to not let the public know of those. It was then that the briefing started, and Opus listened intently to every detail, watching the blueprint layout furiously for vents and crawlspaces that could allow for covert moving on the station While this was going on, a thought occurred: All this secrecy, all this preparation and red tape wrangling, to take out a terrorist outfit? He couldn't tell if the politicians heading the meeting were hiding something (you never really could with politicians in all actuality), or this was a legitimate reason to call in the big names. If there was something going on, it would be huge. Even military tacticians always end such briefings as this one with a 'need to know basis' clause. A voice snapped him out of his train of thought, and Opus looked over to the Male Rothian, intimidating even for a lizard man. Realizing he hadn't even learnt a single member's name in the two days he was here, the agent made a mental note to get to know a few of the others, at least so he could gauge what they would do in a fight. He let him finish his question, and then moved from the wall, walking towards the schematic slowly. As Opus spoke, wisps of vapor escaped from exo vents on the sides of his helmet, and his raspy, grating voice split the air, as he waved an arm lazily at the holo, not taking his eyes of it. "More importantly, is there any information on what kind of equipment and firepower these 'rebels' are sporting? Could they have possibly gotten into any of the station's automatic defensive and security systems as well? We may need someone technically minded to help reduce that advantage. Unless we all would enjoy dodging turret fire, on top of everything else?"