[quote=Prince] - How big of an Earthbending family?[/quote] Myself, and two others. [quote=Prince]- I'm going to need at least one of you to have a skill-level high enough to facilitate creating and managing your own sub-plots.[/quote] Define 'sub-plot', please? If you mean smaller, separate tasks then I'm more than happy to, albeit I can't post often. [quote=Prince]- What's an Ostrich horse? Can I have a reference picture? Is it really just a Chocobo? [/quote] Ostrich Horses are the Earth Kigndom's main method of transport. The wiki page is [url=http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Ostrich_horse]here[/url] and the image is below - [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140517112026/avatar/images/9/9e/Ostrich_horse.png] Essentially, it's the Earth Kingdom's version of a horse/pack mule. I'm only allowing 1 that can carry 2 people, unless we manage to procure a wagon from somewhere, but then our ostrich horse can only travel for short distances.