Masuto had been preparing to say something to Mizuki about Kuei being right there at the window, but before he had the chance, Zhou spoke up and explained it for him. He was also thinking about trekking through he world just by walking. That would be fine and all, but all of the four nations were seperated by water, and they had to find a way to get to the other nations if the wanted to learn the elements. The were already in the earth kingdom, so it wouldn't be impossibly hard to find an earth bending master, but that element was last on his list, and he had to pursue the others first. The young fire bender turned his head to looked at Zenji as she cleared the throat, and thought about finding a sky bison at the island. He thought that it must be painful to have to go back there, to the place where death polluted the air. Not to mention that it was also her former home and most likely all of her friend and family were dead. He shook his head and looked at her calmly. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to head to the island as well. So many things happened there recently..." He remembered reading something some time ago about Avatar Aang's life, mainly after escaping the ice burg with the aid of Katara and Sokka. his emotions flooded him when he went to the first air temple, and it might not be the exact same things for Zenji, but it was probably pretty traumatizing to even think about such a thing happening to your home. He didn't want for her to face it alone. Meanwhile, Kuei sat patiently at the window and continued to sniff the air and look over at Mizuki and Zhou. Masuto seemed to be fine around them, so Kuei decided not to attack them or anything and simply watched them and the whole conversation.