Gavin laughed as Abby teased him, and subsequently began to down her coffee in record time. The swiftness at which the piping-hot brew disappeared made him cringe, and his face screwed into a look of empathetic dismay. He was half-tempted to get up and preempt Abby’s departure with a cool glass of water, or begin pre-op procedures for an emergency esophagus transplant, but he saw quickly that such measures weren’t needed. “If I ever need a pile of hot coals swallowed, I’ll be sure to give you a ring,” Gavin said with a relieved chuckle. “You give the term ‘stomach of iron’ a very real interpretation my dear friend. And I do mean that in the best way, I assure you. If you ever need something for heartburn, or…oh never mind, you know where to find me.” He stood as Abby began to make her way out of the lab, and he was about to offer a word of farewell when the words “It’s a date” met his ears. Gavin’s mouth, which had been half open to speak, closed abruptly with a pleasantly surprised grin. His eyebrows rose, and his head canted slightly in a gesture one might expect from a dog that’s just been told it’s time to play fetch. As the attractive MP bade him goodbye, and left him finally with a winning smile, Dr. Gavin Brock found himself unnaturally at a loss for words. It took his polite demeanor a few seconds to break through the lock upon his tongue, and scream inwardly that he had just let a dear friend leave without so much as a proper ‘cheerio.’ Aghast, Gavin hastened over to the airlock, and leaned himself over the threshold. Seeing Abby’s retreating back, he cupped a hand to his mouth and called after her. “A date it is then. I expect you in your finest ACU’s Ms. Abigail Larson, or I shall be deeply offended!” He watched her reaction with a smile, and a satisfied laugh at the exchange. Thoroughly buoyed by Abby’s visit, Gavin turned back into the lab. It was quick work to clean up before Deli’s appointment, as the space was already near spotless. Gavin then set out the few pieces of equipment he would require, including his antique stethoscope and penlight. Ensuring the door to the lab was locked into the ‘open’ position so Deli could freely enter, Gavin seated himself once more at his desk to wait.