Valeria von Doom was not having the best of days. No, no, this was an unpleasant time, she felt. Surely, there was some solution... but she could not see one before her that was straightforward. Out of everything, the small girl, even with her impressive intelligence, was just unable to locate some kind of good answer to her problem. However could she solve this crisis?! The maid who handled the cooking at the Latverian Embassy was under the weather. While she still was capable of doing her other duties, she did not wish to spread the illness to Valeria or the other maids. And while Valeria hardly wanted to catch anything herself, this meant trying to find something to eat on her own. She had never actually eaten anything aside from what was provided for her back in Latveria and by the maids at the embassy until now. Her knowledge of this city's restaurants was severely lacking. Valeria didn't want food from some idiots who didn't know how to cook, that would just make her ill. That was what she was trying to avoid, after all. The last time she''d been made to go do these things herself was when the maids got her to grocery shop, and she was still annoyed about that! This was all why, for the moment, Valeria found herself far away from anywhere she could hear the bad news, hugging herself and frowning very deeply as she practically stomped down the street. All of these people were too tall, too, she couldn't even see over parts of the crowd... It was hard to tell where she was going! Grr... Idiots, just milling around aimlessly and making it so hard for her to find out where she was going... though... did she hear something about a breakout or something? She'd have to try and learn more about that... if these idiots got out of her way so she could get some food already! Suddenly, the crowd parted... and Valeria was briefly relieved until she found herself nearly stepping into a street. She backed up quickly, and a car careened by... and honked loudly. Valeria stumbled, covering her ears and falling back onto her rear end, wincing. Unexpected loud noises... really bothered her... "... J-jerk!" she cried. But the car was long gone. What was making that guy drive so fast, anyway?! What could possibly motivate him to nearly run some pedestrian, especially her, over?! ... Was it something to do with that breakout thing...? Valeria got to her feet, irritably brushing herself off. Was there some news she was missing or something?