The wasps lessened in numbers, signaling their efforts were not in vain. It looked like this would be over sooner than later. Artemis had actually found it an excellent test of endurance. Less and less, the number of monsters dwindling, and soon there were about less than a dozen left. Artemis watched as the blue pixels signaled another victory for her, though she noticed a few Wasps heading in another direction. She quirked an eyebrow; it seemed they had an audience. Or at least, someone spying on them. Someone was on the ground; they weren't part of the little group that was attacking the mob originally. After seeing that the rest of the group could no doubt handle whatever fodder remained, she dashed over to the player. Her sword glowed as she sliced through the wasps surrounding the person, and she saw it was another girl. It seemed today was 'Save the Damsel In Distress' day. Artemis looked down at the brunette, seeing that she had been paralyzed. She remained expressionless, fishing out a crystal from her pocket. "[b]Heal.[/b]" She said, the crystal shattering and freeing the girl of her paralysis. Apollo was sick and tired of these damn things, and if he never saw one again, it would be too good to be true. Still, he was only half battling--he was half watching the rest of them. It looked like that one orange player knew the two dudes, that one dude knew the other girl that had came, and Artemis had gone to help someone else. No doubt the entirety of them had been solo players. As he punched through his monster, he realized that they had finished. He let out a huge sigh of relief, though he held a thumbs up to the group. "[b]Would you look at that? A little effort and a whole lot of teamwork![/b]" His grin was wide, obviously pleased with their combined efforts. "[b]Man, I bet we could even take on the floor's boss together![/b]"