Calvartem and Shadowmane made it to the graveyard in a blur of speed and came to a stop in just a few paces. Calvartem glanced at the walls, eyeing the defenders moving to be able to shoot him and swivelling around a cannon, but they were quickly masked from view by a tall wall of fire conjured by Conquest. Not being able to see the defenders meant the defenders could not see him, and such a manoeuvre indicated that Conquest was quite intelligent. A valuable asset. While the defenders could not see him now, they had seen him before, so he had Shadowmane trot over a few metres before he dismounted. As he did this a thud shook the ground beneath him and an explosion of dirt and gravel erupted from where he had been standing moments ago. Calvartem was quite unfazed by the cannonball, since it didn't hit him so it was of no concern to him. That shot was a guess, and any following shots would be no better. Despite the shield of flame, Calvartem did not stretch his luck or Conquest's endurance. He struck the ground with his staff, and dozens of ethereal black tendrils leapt out and skittered across the ground, searching for a corpse. They sunk in at each grave, and in seconds dried, rotten and skeletal hands clawed their way out of their coffins and through the earth. The corpses lifted themselves out of their graves and stood in the cemetery, their eyes burning with darkness. The hoard numbered 200, with fifteen of them being Gremlins. More corpses were buried deeper and further out in the graveyard, for it had to service quite a large town, but Calvartem needed to keep some of his strength for the fighting. The emergence of the 200 corpses, followed by their footfalls as they rallied along the ahead of Calvartem, would have alerted Conquest that Calvartem was finished. The hoard surged forwards, going around the man of flame, with the Gremlins jumping onto the rooftops as soon as they were past the wall of fire. The defending soldiers around the corner were not entirely prepared for the sudden surge of undead, but they were able to fall back into a more stable position to fight back the Walkers from. However, their formation set to defend from one side left their rear open to assault from the Gremlins, who jumped from the roofs and took advantage of their element of surprise to shatter the soldiers' formation. While they may have been able to fight the Gremlins on their own, the hoard of Walkers remained, and they were swiftly overwhelmed. Astride his imposing steed, Calvartem trotted through the throng of undead. A casual wave of his staff reanimated the just-slain soldiers, adding a few Walkers and a couple of Gremlins, all armed and to an extent armoured, to his ranks.The sound of musket fire from the other direction caught his attention, and he turned to see a line of soldiers who had futilely attempted to disable oncoming Walkers with a few high-velocity lead pellets. A fire priest in their ranks threw up a shield of fire, and while that hurt the Walkers passing through it hardly deterred them. This squadron was larger, and reinforcements could be seen coming. A line of armoured warriors made the front lines and were managing to cut down the Walkers which approached. They had also learned from their fallen comrades across the street from them, and as such they were prepared to counter the ambush from above of the Gremlins. The first Gremlin jumping down met with the spear of one of the infantry, although a few hacks with a short-sword were required to fully disable it. The others on the roof were shot by arrows and fireballs, damaging them. A couple more Gremlins jumped down in an attempt to scatter the soldiers, and while they managed to kill one ranger and wound a spellcaster, they too were cut down. Calvartem signalled the rest of them to not jump off, for he could see the futility. To shatter this band of stalwart defenders would require more force than his undead alone could deliver. He raised his staff and said, to no one in particular, "Ripper, I call on your power." After a slight delay the shadowy flame in Calvartem's eyes was replaced with a flaring crimson fire. A ball of crackling red energy formed at the head of his staff and he hurled the ball overhead at the wall of soldiers. It exploded in their midst, a violent blast of destruction, and those it didn't turn to dust it threw across the street, some broken and dead, others still alive, although they didn't last long now that they were vulnerable. Calvartem's eyes remained red, though, for he still had one more spell to cast. The graveyard he had just visited lay outside the walls, but he needed to get him and his horde inside the walls. Advancing his hoard around a corner brought them within view of the gate. It slammed shut on seeing them, and a cannon was fired, blasting a few Walkers apart, although Calvartem hardly cared about a few Walkers. He pointed his staff towards the gate, and a jet of red energy leapt out of the end and dissolved a large hole in the steel and wood of the gate. The undead began to pour into the hole to attack the soldiers on the other side, who were still mostly dazed from the blast. The red faded from Calvartem's eyes as they returned to their normal pure black. He spotted the defenders on the wall attempting to reload the cannon, so he killed them with a swift bolt of shadow. He then advanced behind the hoard towards the entrance to the town. He turned his head back to Conquest and said, "Ensure my hoard can advance to the crypt."