The wasps kept coming, Waltic ignored the fact that Aura couldn't remember him for now. He focused on his sword skill as he slashed and cut down Wasp after wasp that came at them. "You freaks! DIE!" he murmured in anger as he cut another one down as a second barely missed him with it's stinger. The next wasp that came Waltic plunged his sword into it, he lifted his sword in the air with the wasp on it as he then threw the wasp off the sword by violently bringing it down. The wasp was flung off the sword as it smashed into one of it's friends. He focused as he watched more come at them. Waltic charged a small number of Wasps as he broke away from the group. He was able to distract some as he sliced them down putting his back to a tree. Finally they all died. And everything had calmed down. Waltic grinned, "Well wasn't that a load of fun?!" he said while smiling ear to ear. He walked over to the group as they chatted, Aura started to walk away as he heard what she said, but some guy had just started to talk to her right before Waltic could say anything. But Waltic decided to throw in his two cents, "So, Aura, you don't remember me? fine, You have an orange cursor, fine I just hope there's a reasonable explanation, but you aren't going to face that boss alone." Waltic said as his face and voice were dead serious. "I won't allow it, I won't allow you to walk in there to your death." he said. Waltic walk forward to next to her, he wasn't afraid he believed that she would remember who he was. "I want to go with you, I just want to know one thing." he said as his voice lowered. "How did you get orange?" he asked. Waltic was hoping she hadn't become a player killer, hoping it was defense or something along those lines. But he wanted to know what she did, he just hoped nothing escalated, because he'd defend her. He pulled his sword out again as he saw the guy not sheathing his sword. He wouldn't let these people team up on her until Aura explained everything that happened, and then after that, he would head to the boss room. He planned 5 different scenarios in his head really quickly as he turned to show the rest of the group the back of his head as he winked at Aura and gave her a grin as he turned to the side so that he could see the group in his peripheral.