Aura had tried her best to look calm while trying to escape the group in order to avoid discussion about her cursor. Turns out she haden't gotten away soon enough because after taking a few steps, Edge came up to her followed shortly by Wally. Turning around to face them and the group, the hand on the hilt of her sword tightened. She noticed the wink from Wally a moment before but gave no response. [b]"I don't want any trouble from anyone here... but it seems I wont get away without an explanation so listen up because i'm only explaining it once. You either believe me or don't, like I care."[/b] She looked from Edge to Wally as those two were the only ones she cared in the moment who had an opinion about her. [b]"The second day in this game a man I later found out was named Raiden attacked me and almost killed me. Normally i'm not the type to hold a grudge but his madness didn't stop there. Recently I had heard around there were other girls he had attacked, and I knew it was him because of the description of his appearance. Just like he did to me, he would attack them until they gave him their items and gold then poison them in the hopes that they'd die after he left. Fortunately for them they were in parties and eventually had help come to them but i had no such luck. If someone haden't found me i'd be long dead."[/b] she paused as she thought back to that day. How afraid she had been... how weak. And then the satisfaction she had felt when she ended him... maybe there was something inside her that took pleasure from killing. Blinking then scowling at the thought, she shook it off and continued to speak. [b]"After waiting for the Liberation Force to do something about him, I realized he didn't seem to be too high up on their list. Their occupied with those Laughing Coffin creeps, but whatever. I decided to do something about him myself and return the favor to the man who dared to piss me off. And, if you think about it I did this world a favor. Who knows who else he would have attacked in the future. I'm sure there are more like him out there. Fighting monsters is what we do, right? Just turns out i found one that came in the form of a person. Before any of you tell me it wasen't my decision to choose who lives or dies, think about putting your life on the line. If it was you he had planned to kill next, would you want me to wait around for the one who gets to 'decide' who lives or dies? Of course not. Like I said, I dont care what anyone thinks of me or if they like my reasons for doing it. I know what kind of person I am., and i'm not someone who gets a kick out of... seeing someone die... or killing..."[/b] with one last glance at Wally, Aura turned around and continued walking. She was heading to that boss room with or without the others. [i]Why is it the same? Here, I thought things could be different but its not. My entire life here, and in the real world, is going to be about one mistake I made. It isin't fair! First nora and now Raiden! God, why can't I just get away from all this death!?[/i] she yelled at herself in her head. And then it was happening again, the crying. No matter how many times she told herself that what she did was a good thing, she knew in her mind that the reasons didn't matter. She had blood on her hands now... and that truth alone was enough to make her walls crumble. But by hell was she going to let anyone see her again. Aura raised her arms up and wiped at her eyes as she walked away from the group, praying that no one would follow her. If they did, she'd lose it and erupt into a crying fit. So, she wanted to leave now with whatever pride she had left.