Waltic listened to her and watched the others reactions, hoping none of them would try to get up and fight her. He thought about what she said and never needed a second thought. He took a deep breath as he put away his sword. After all, what she did was kill a Player Killer, and Waltic couldn't blame her for that, because he had done it before. Hell, he had hunted them before. He looked over to watch the group and see what they did next. However, the next thing he knew Aura was walking off in a fast pace. "Hey Aura wait up!" he yelled as he ran towards her. He kept looking behind him though now sure on what these guys would do, so he kept ready, his hand stayed in a position where he could draw his sword at any moment if necessary. "Aura!" he yelled again as he slowly caught up to her. But while he was a decent distance away he stopped running and started walking fast. "I told you, I'm not letting you fight that boss alone." he said with a grin. He saw her arms come up to her face. He finally caught up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's okay, it's no big deal the man deserved it..." Waltic had never usually admitted this but he figured he should now. "I've done it too, I've killed player killers as well. I hunted them down for awhile, those that camped outside of floor 7, It's where I lost one of my friends to them because he wanted to go out on his own at night." Waltic said. "Don't let it bother you, I won't judge you for it." he said with a very soothing voice. Waltic was now side to side with her, "Besides!" he said with a grin, "I can't let you get all that loot by yourself!" he exclaimed. Waltic smiled at Aura as he spoke, "Even if you don't remember me, I remember you! So let's go! This boss doesn't stand a chance!" he said happily. He looked off in the distance and could see 2 huge doors which had to be the boss room, he was hoping the others would come along, because even with him and Aura, 2 manning a boss was not gonna be a simple task at all.