If you say so, but it is part of her personality to just ask like that and I hardly think we can keep her walking with nothing more the Blake's shirt on, she had to get some clothing or it may get more sexual related events.
I like to be a bit realistic with things like that and as girls have a lot of sizes in RL its only natural that in a rp its the same.
beside is asking about a bra size between girls really all that sexual?
ok I am a guy in RL but I dont think its sexual, bra's are clothing, sure they can be sexy but its just clothing in the end, so even in an rp I see it as clothing.
plus it gave some character development on how Keela might act.
I guess that is my opinion trough, I still think its normal, natural and not sexual but be glad that with this, the clothing issue has been fixed (ok, clothes might rip but I wont go into details, all I might say is where the rip is and that would be like: the blunt sword ripped the front of her shirt open, I guess that much is ok right?)
I like to be a bit realistic with things like that and as girls have a lot of sizes in RL its only natural that in a rp its the same.
beside is asking about a bra size between girls really all that sexual?
ok I am a guy in RL but I dont think its sexual, bra's are clothing, sure they can be sexy but its just clothing in the end, so even in an rp I see it as clothing.
plus it gave some character development on how Keela might act.
I guess that is my opinion trough, I still think its normal, natural and not sexual but be glad that with this, the clothing issue has been fixed (ok, clothes might rip but I wont go into details, all I might say is where the rip is and that would be like: the blunt sword ripped the front of her shirt open, I guess that much is ok right?)