Ace took in deep gulps of air as she listened to this chick's story. Sure, it was probable. Ace had heard about that guy before, but it could still be a cover lie. Laughing Coffin members were expert liars. Ace slowly made her way next to the guy she came in with and held out her hand, her eyes nowhere near his. "Ace," she introduced herself while staring at blue hair. "Nice to meet all you fine and dandy solos!" Ace called out, wasting away her last bit of confidence. It was obvious all of them were, except the dynamic due of blondies. "Do any of you even have any idea of where the fuck this boss is?" she spread her arms out, open to all information. "Because I am sure all of us, including our front line buddies would like to know." Ace didn't know what shit was getting into, trying her best to look self assured and confident. Before a response could come, she immediately pointed at blue hair. "What about you, orange? You got any other secrets up your sleaves?"