"Hmm...now where do I go from here?" The blond, glasses-wearing teen with the guitar-case slung across his shoulder didn't seem to notice that he was talking to himself, instead staring intently at the sort of ultra-colorful annotated map of New York City that only a tourist would use. Despite never once taking his eyes off it though, he seemed to have no problem weaving through crowds and crossing busy streets full of people panicking at news of the breakout, all while talking to himself. If someone were able to see his map they would note that it was actually a guide to a multitude of locations throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Some of them had been crossed out and the map was obviously highly important and frustrating to the young man. Yes after a year of traveling the world in search of his own identity and purpose while avoiding criminal organizations, the governments of multiple countries and several of the world's top superheroes, James B. Rogers, sole heir to the Super Soldier Serum and raised from infancy with the skills to be the perfect soldier and special agent, had come to New York City for just one reason. A quest to find the best hamburger in the world. A closer examination would show that the map's locations corresponded to every restaurant in the city that served burgers, with several of them crossed out and the word "HAMBURGERS???" scrawled at the top in bold, somewhat careless handwriting. The breakouts and chaos were off of his radar, having only arrived in New York a short time ago and being focused much more on more innocent things. Besides, he was sworn off of superheroism until he decided whether or not that sort of thing was what he wanted with his life. Well, either that or until his parents or SHIELD caught up to him, but he'd been evading them and everybody else who knew him for a while now, and hopefully he'd at least achieve his goal before his cover was blown. He was shaken out of his highly focused state when a car horn suddenly blared and someone shouted "J-jerk". At first he thought he might have gotten too distracted and made a mistake dodging traffic, but he soon saw that the real cause was a girl who'd been walking through the panic-filled streets at the same time with apparently less skill than himself. She seemed more than a little upset to him, and even though he was on a mission and had limited time to James there was really only one thing to do. "Excuse me miss, is there any way I can help you?"