Erios was relieved when she was given aid, and also when the lasts of the monsters were slain. She stood, weak in the knees. The girl looked at the players, warily spotting an orange cursor above one of the girl's heads. She took a half-step back, but turned her ear to the girl when she explained the orange mark to the other players. She felt sympathy for this girl... Erios herself had experienced hatred from players... heck, a month ago, her best friend and boyfriend had been murdered by one. When her thoughts touched the sore subject, she fought herself to return to the situation at hand. She glanced around at the players in the room, but her inspection was deterred by a party invitation. One of the boys offered explaination: [b]"To make things easier." [/b] Erios was unsure if she wanted to continue with these people, but she was also unsure if she wanted to travel back to the town. It was a very long way, and night was falling. It was quite the foolish thing to venture out at night. In that case, she accepted the party invite, and glanced around at everyone. There were six other names and health bars floating in the air now. Aura (the orange player), Ace, Edge, Wally, Apollo (the one from whom everyone had recieved the party invite), and Artemis. She glanced at Artemis and Apollo; both bore resembling features - blonde hair and similar facial features. Maybe they were related? She glanced at Wally; he looked like someone she didn't want to mess with. His armor looked well-leveled, and he had a decent amount of muscle on him. Edge was the same way, but his armor was far more concealing, giving Erios the feeling of curiousity as what lay under his gear. Ace and Aura both bore pretty faces, but that did not translate into their fighting skill; as Erios had seen during the fight. All of these people were deadly fighters, while she, Erin Oswald... was just a coward. She came to the conclusion that she'd better stay with these people until they left the dungeon; she couldn't travel alone at night, and she sure a heck couldn't stay here and weight to be ambushed by a monster or maybe even a PK. [b]"I- I'll come..."[/b] She said to Artemis. She kept her face low, not looking any of these people in the eye. What if he said no? [b]"That is... if you'll allow me."[/b]