Legacy floated above the tallest building in the city of Chicago and looked out over the busy metropolis. he was listening for any signs of trouble and in his city, trouble was a regular thing. his super hearing soon picked up a newscast about a crisis happening in New York and he flew down closer to a store with televisions broadcasting the story to see what was going on. a woman dressed in yellow was reporting the chennel 6 news, saying that were several super villain break outs and several were in New York. Legacy knew that such a threat needed to be contained and his powers would be great assistance to law enforcements of the city of New York.

one woman from the crowd of people looking at Legacy in awe, came up and asked, "If you don't mind sir, but could you get a picture with my son? you're is favorite superhero."

"I am sorry madam, but a pressing mater is happening in New York that needs my assistance" Legacy said calmly, and with one last look at the television, he took off into the air at supersonic speeds, creating a sonic boom. he flew in the direction of New York city and was figuring out what his plan of attack was. with that many the villains loose, plenty of destruction was sure to come to the great city so he would need to try to defeat the villains as quick as possible before tons of innocent Americans were killed. these villains would soon feel the fist of one of America's favorite hero Legacy. he would be there soon and he picked up speed, his cape flowing out from the air currents.