[center][b][I]A Plan Set In Motion - Kirigakure Docks A collaboration between Little Alice, J8cob, Shadowcatcher, and Mr. Nim Plot: An excited Haruhi and a worried Mika meet the Mizukage and her ANBU at the docks. Rika and Haruhi excange a few words and get to know eachother while they wait for the others to arrive. [/I][/b][/center] [hider=The Start of a Super Secret Mission!] Haruhi listened to Mika as she spoke about the previous night. In truth, she didn't really feel the need to talk about it since all morning she had been trying to push it out of her mind. Nodding in understanding anyway, Haru gestured for Mika to exit first and that she would follow after her. She kept her thoughts occupied by pondering over what kind of 'important mission' they were embarking upon. It sounded very exciting, and before she knew it, Haruhi's attention was completely diverted to trying to figure out what it was. [b]"Hayashi sensei...? Is this a super top secret mission that's like... life or death? Because I am totally not nervous or anything but... maybe I'm not ready for something too serious. I don't want to mess things up like usual."[/b] she said in a worried tone. Thinking about the question, Mika wasn't sure how to answer it. Personally she wanted to give Haruhi some words of comfort. But she wasn't good in in that, so she decided to take another way. She simply shrugged. [b]''Every mission is important for the village. From D to S rank.''[/b] Mika first answered, but decided that it wouldn't work. But giving details to the coming missions wasn't allowed. If there was only a choice of running. [b]''But it is best to keep it secret for now. Though don't worry. We wouldn't be assigned on this mission if we wouldn't be deemed capable.''[/b] The answer made Mika feel sick. The ironic twist of words was enough to make her hate what she was telling her student. [b]"Oooh a secret mission! This is so exciting!"[/b] Haruhi said with a skip in her step. As she continued to follow Mika on their way to the docks, Haru kept her curiosity suppressed by counting her steps, then taking her steps in time with Mika's, then doing some other silly things that kept her busy. She focused on the sway of her sensei's ponytail for a long moment before asking [b]"Are we almost there?"[/b] At first Mika almost frowned and had shaken her head at the sudden shift of Haruhi's behavior. But she decided to not react with being too negative. Maybe it would fall out of line and she certainly didn't want to do that now. But if it would give Haruhi a better time now? Mika wouldn't care much about any big problem. It made her think briefly of her past. How things could have been if she had made other decisions. Would the person next to her then be a young boy, eager to become a splendid shinobi? Haruhi's question broke Mika's thoughts. [b]''Almost. Patience, Haruhi.''[/b] Haru groaned and mumbled an 'OK' as she went back to occupying herself with weird things to do. Though in the back of her mind, she wondered about the mission ahead of her and who else was going to be there. She wondered if there were going to be genin her age there... if maybe she could make a friend on the mission. [b]"Ooh maybe there will be cute boys."[/b] she accidently said out loud. She sent a worried glance towards Mika in fear she had been heard. [I]Come on Haruhi, there's no reason to be thinking about cute boys. This is a top secret mission! Get your head out of the-[/I] [b]"Oooh I see the water!"[/b] Haru stated excitedly. Seems like they had arrived in no time at all. From her spot on the dock, the Mizukage could see Mika and Haruhi approaching through the fog. She put her hands together and smiled, before glacing around the ANBU that were waiting with her. She still had last night's encounter with Mika fresh in her mind, but today's business took priority over that. And judging by looks alone, nobody would know that anything even happened the night before. [b]"About time you got here ♪,"[/b] Rika chimed as they approached, bringing her hands apart and putting them on her hips. She was used to other adults being taller than her, but she couldn't help but note that the newly arrived genin also had a height advantage. Still, her smile never faltered. [b]"You aren't exactly late, but I expected more from you... Uh..."[/b] Rika began to look around, even leaning to the side to look past Mika and Haruhi. [b]"Where are the others?"[/b] The brief mention of cute boys did made Mika frown in Haruhi's direction. It was however kind of different now. She didn't send a glare afterwards. How could she? Mika felt the burden of her guilt starting to get heavier with every step she took. When Haruhi stated she saw water, Mika gave up. She couldn't frown today at her student and protege. Not today. With arriving on the scene, Mika heard the voice of Rika. Clenching her right hand into a fist, Mika knew better. Not due the conflict of last time, but it was high unlikely that the Mizukage wasn't without her lackeys- guards or ANBU- and alone with Haruhi made Mika wary. [b]''Not present yet. I have made sure that they got the message, Lady Mizukage.''[/b] Mika said with a calm tone. As Haru stepped closer to the small girl who was apparently waiting for them, she wondered why she was surrounded by shinobi wearing ANBU masks. It was odd... but once Mika spoke, things suddenly made sense. This lady was the.... Mizukage? [b]"Wooooaaaaaah! Hold on a second. YOUR the Mizukage!? That is so cool! No wonder this mission was super top secret."[/b] Haru stared at the woman for a long moment before scratching her head in confusion. [b]"I thought you'd be.... well you... are smaller than I imagined."[/b] she said bluntly but with no intention of disrespect. She noticed that the shinobi that accompanied her stayed quiet. [I]Hopefully that was not taken the wrong way...[/I] she thought with a bite of her lip. [b]"Oh um... my name is Haruhi Suzumori. Genin in training but soon to be a totally awesome kunoichi."[/b] She paused and looked around nervouly. It was time to stop talking. Resisting to whack Haruhi's head, Mika briefly glanced around them. [b]''Haruhi, manners.''[/b] Mika mumbled, a bit annoyed. The woman didn't like this at all. She had anticipated that Rika would start a conversation by what the woman had told her before. But she didn't want Rika to get close to Haruhi. Not cause she was jealous or any of that sort. More worried about the health of Haruhi. Being near a Mizukage wasn't that healthy at all. Certainly not one that was in Mika's eyes a big hypocrite. [b]''I suspect that the others will be soon here.''[/b] Mika said, hoping to change the course of the subject. The young girl's reaction to meeting the Mizukage amused Rika. She even giggled a bit to herself, before reaching out and patting Haruhi on the head. Despite the fact she was shorter than the girl, this still achieved the desired effect. [b]"We only grow until we are perfect ♪,"[/b] Rika responded with a smile on her face, in regards to her shortness, before taking a step back and looking over at Mika. [b]"It's fine. Let the girl be a girl."[/b] She closed her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, before turning her head to glance over at Kimi. Not so much a threatening glare, but more so as to get the message that the boat needs to be prepared to cast off. With that, she looked back at Haruhi. [b]"This mission is secret, so when it's over, you tell no one ♪."[/b] Rika even raised a finger, to help get Haruhi's attention. Haru was slightly disappointed to hear that after the mission was over, it was still going to be a secret. Now she couldn't tell anyone about meeting the Mizukage... [I]Don't worry, it's not like you have friends to tell.[/I] she reminded herself. With a small sigh of defeat, she nodded her head in understanding and looked at Mika. Haru got the feeling that she was uncomfortable for some reason. Looking back at the Mizukage, she debated wether to ask a question that was nagging her a bit. Kicking a bit of dirt, she decided brave it and ask. [b]"Um... Mizukage-sama... why is it that people are so afraid of..."[/b] she trailed off, wondering if there was a better word than 'you.' [b]"Kages? I mean... I'm sure your super tough but... are you secretly mean or something?"[/b] Haru looked the woman in the eyes for a moment before lowering them to the ground. She felt weird for asking such a question. First Mika shot almost a glare in the direction of Haruhi. To think the girl would ask such a question. Not that she was bothered with that it could be considered rude, but it was an opening that Rika could use to win Haruhi's trust. Like hell if Mika wanted that to happen. But should she say something? It was evident that Rika needed her in order to make Haruhi a jinchuriki. Somebody that had a bond with the girl, thus able to keep her stable. But still, the thought of what this question could do. [b]''Kages decide over the life of their followers. Even when it places the said follower in a direction they won't like, they say that it is in the best interest of the village. That is why people are sometimes so afraid of leaders. Cause they sometimes make decisions that have an impact on people's life... that shouldn't be disturbed.''[/b] Mika turned her eyes towards Rika. Knowing her position, she was sure she could talk back to Rika. But with those damned ANBU close by, nothing else. Probably one or two had a kunai at the ready with the slight undertone of Mika, that would reveal what she really thinking. Not that Mika cared for that. As long Haruhi would become the jinchuriki, it would give Mika some protection. Before Rika could answer, a question that she found to be a simple one to answer, Mika intercepted it. The young woman shot an annoyed glare at Mika for a moment, before bringing a fist to her mouth and clearing her throat. [b]"Fear is only natural, sweetie,"[/b] Rika began to explain. [b]"People that feel they don't have control will either fear or resent whatever they think controls them. It's something I've been trying to remedy here but it isn't as easy as I hoped."[/b] She shrugged her shoulders again. [b]"Sooner or later the fear will pass when people learn what I'm like."[/b] A smile formed on her face again, before she extended her hand and pinched Haruhi's left cheek. [b]"But you need to learn to be a bit more tactful ♪."[/b] With that, she stopped bothering the girl and put her hands on her waist again. [b]"It's rude to call people mean or such names."[/b] Haru had glanced between the Mizukage and Mika as they spoke separately. Now, Haru was maybe not the smartest girl in the world, but it was apparent that the two women were not the best of friends. When the shorter woman pinched her cheek, Haru felt really happy for a moment. [I]Oh.... I guess maybe she's different. Maybe she's nice.[/I] Rubbing her cheek, she decided to stay quiet. Only... that decision was quickly overrid by a final question. [b]"I have one more question... how strong do you have to be to become a Kage? I mean... I don't think I ever want to be one but... how do you do it? Become so strong that no one dares to hurt anyone you love? Do you think... every ninja has the ability to become that strong?"[/b] [i]Is she...[/i] Mika thought. She had a feeling why Haruhi had asked the question, but why to Rika? Why not to another strong leveled person? How could Mika intercept this? [b]''Haruhi, manners. The Lady Mizukage isn't here to be pestered by countless of questions.''[/b] Hoping that Haruhi would understood the tone, that seemed to be cold, Mika kept her gaze on Rika. [b]''I believe that we aren't here for some iddle chatter after all.''[/b] Mika said, placing more emphasis on what she wanted to make clear to Haruhi. It was already troublesome enough to see her being close to Rika. It was getting even more to Mika's nerves that the short woman dared to act nice, while she would condemn Haruhi's life forever to become a mere weapon. The Mizukage was surprised by the question. Enough so that she had to take a moment to think about why Haruhi wanted to know. But, in a more predictable manner, Mika once again spoke up. It was very clear to Rika that the jounin-sensei was bitter about their discussion and wanted to do what she could to keep Haruhi away from her. With her reaction, Rika let out a sigh. [b]"Being Kage has nothing to do with being strong, sweetie,"[/b] Rika answered simply, before taking a moment to glance at Mika. After the pause, she looked back at Haruhi. [b]"But your sensei is right. I suppose I can start explaining what your job is."[/b] She brought her hands together again, before taking a moment to adjust her Mizukage robes. [b]"Your team's mission is to observe and scout out one of our islands. We recently lost contact with the shinobi over there. Me and my entourage are here to... observe how you all do."[/b] Rika flashed the two a smile. Though the adults knew this was a blatant lie, they would have to admit it is a clever one. And there were no signs of deceit on her friendly face. [b]"I guess you can say this is a tough mission ♪."[/b] With that final appeal to what seems to be a fighting spirit in Haruhi, the Mizukage stood upright to her full height and stretched a bit. [b]"I have... a question for you ♪,"[/b] she let out while stretching. Once her back felt better, Rika brought her green eyes back on the young genin. [b]"What do you think of Kirigakure?"[/b] Haruhi was a little bit surprised by the simplicity of the question. For some reason, it seemed like a life or death kind of question. [b]"What do I think of Kirigakure...? I think this village is full of a bunch of people who should laugh more often. I mean, very gloomy some times. But I also think that the people here are nice. The village is pretty. The shinobi are the best in the world and im proud to be one. Hmmm... oh the food is sooo gooood. Like I love all kinds of food. But not noodles. Hmmm what else? ..."[/b] she trailed off as she thought about it, but after a while she gave it up. [b]"That's all I got. I don't think I'd want to be in any other village."[/b] she smiled, proud of her answer. Being sheltered because of her weak heart made it difficult to get too deep with her answer anyways. Waiting till Haruhi was done, Mika was considering to really shut up her student and protege. It became painfully clear that she had to get a wedge between her and Rika. But right now it seemed that Haruhi bought the lie of Rika. A shame as Mika's opinion was vasty different on it. Who wouldn't be very suspicious when hearing a kage leveled shinobi was coming with them? And if the mission was so dangerous, why send a team of genin? Questions that could have been asked by Haruhi, but not by Mika. If she would ask it, it would became too clear that she was trying to clear something about what would happen. And that would bring Haruhi's life in danger. Mika's frustration kept growing with every second she realized that she wasn't able to do anything now. Deciding to place her hands at her back, Mika would for now watch for any openings she could make use to try to keep Rika distant from Haruhi. [b]"Gloomy..."[/b] Rika repeated, somewhat absentmindedly. She brought a hand to her chin as she thought about it. One of her primary concerns when she became Mizukage was to improve the village's image. After the years of oppression, Kirigakure greatly needed a change. But if Haruhi had the majority opinion, it would seem that she was failing on that account. But how to improve? The young Mizukage seemed distracted by this train of thought for a moment, before she suddenly remembered she was conversing with the girl. [b]"Oh,"[/b] she exclaimed, before giggling to herself. [b]"I seemed to have spaced out a bit there. But I'm glad you're happy with your home."[/b] She brought her hands down to her sides again. [b]"Once your friends get here, we'll be heading out. You two can get on the boat if you want, but I'll be waiting on the dock until everyone has arrived."[/b] She gave Haruhi a wink, before looking past the girl back toward the village. She had no watch, but knew already that the others were close to being late. Quickly arriving at the right dock, after she realised that the dock she had been at was the wrong dock. Spotting the Mizukage, her sensei and teammate along with several ANBU on the spot, she decided to activate her Kekkei Genkai, and kept running forward until she 'accidently' bumped into the Mizukage's back. She fell backwards, and her eye became normal looking again [b]"Oof."[/b] She made a small sound before looking up and seeing who she bumped into. Pretending to realize it only then, she quickly got up and made a bow to the Mizukage, before getting back up and moving to a spot where she could clearly see her sensei and teammate, but did not achknowledge either of them. Haruhi nodded to the Mizukage and looked to Mika and had a feeling her sensei was upset about something unknown to Haru. For a brief moment, Haruhi wondered if something hd happened that she should ask about, but that was when Minori-san showed up out of nowhere. Excited to see her teammate from being apart with training for a bit, Haruhi ran over to her excitedly. [b]"Minori-san! Heyy! Can you believe we got chosen to do a super top secret mission?"[/b] she said while throwing an arm around the other girls shoulders. [b]"Someone must have noticed how awesome we were doing and suggest us for it. I um... I swear I wont mess things up this time."[/b] she said with a happy grin. [/hider]