[b]Littrix[/b] She didn't exactly know to respond or not. She didn't exactly know what they were talking about. She was barely listening only listing the names she possibly heard, "Varren...Mia?..Fenros?" The messages she heard from 'a' man freaked her out. Pervert? Maybe she shrugged she always wanted to meet people but not at the sigh of her beast. She wanted to see people that she was who she was but with just a little extra help. People introduced themselves to her. Trying to gain information but..why? She always asked herself that..whats the difference? I'm weak, frail, but that won't get in the way of me fighting. She frowned. Everyone was staring at her until Varren spoke. He had invited her to the floor 35! She smiled, more adventure and more time to study and probably gain more books about that floor. She pouted wishing she could at least be at level 20. She nodded but..drinking? Wasn't Aura's thing. Last time he drank coffee or any liquids but water made him Not good for him. She still followed, though. She smiled but declining his offer for Aura but she would gladly get a drink. Knowing that she had ignored everyone she couldn't hear was either because of her thinking process or just because of her major confusion. Still, smiling she followed him. She didn't even know where she was going. 'I think were going to Urbas' she thought to herself. Shrugging she'd focus on the area.