Scorn's body glowed red as he entered Earth's atmosphere, returning here nearly a year after he had set off to Ysmault to meet up with his fellow Red Lanterns and embark on their galactic mission to spread vengeance across the universe. He felt an immense amount of violent behavior and rage coming from the cities down below, all which instantly eradicated any questions from his mind as to why Atrocitus and his Red Ring had ordered him to return to his home planet. "Such violence and anger caused in mere hours..." With the failure to retain the most dangerous criminals, super or not, an immense number kf crimes had been committed. Everything from theft and property damage to rape and murder had skyrocketed, and Scorn, like many of his other Corp mates, had felt it. Naturally, it burned him up from the inside, and quite literally to considering he had to heavily resist the urge to just fly down there and start spewing the place with his napalmic blood. "R-rankorr's instructions," Scorn seethed. "Atrocitus's teachings... harness anger and direct it..." Having been inducted into the Corp's a year and a half ago, controlling his otherwise uncontrollable anger still took a bit of effort. Hell, when he arrived on Ysmault, the first thing Atrocitus did was toss him into the Blood River of Ysmault and then slam his head back down under the bloody waters just so that Scorn could actually think straight and have coherent thoughts. Then Scorn was somewhat mentored by Rankorr, another human Red Lantern, to better control his rage even when it seemed to be welling back up inside him. "Aggh... where must I start first?" Scorn descended above the city and hovered, trying to figure out a location where to go to.