[b][center]Masami Hyuuga Konohagakrue Genin, Team Hiron[/b][/center] [center]Masami was a bit shocked at the outburst from Shikaroku, but thinking about it now, it was completely justified. Looking at her bloody palms, she realized the mistake she made - rushing in without her teammates was not a wise idea, especially after Hiron-Sensei made it clear after their first mission that he was not satisfied with their teamwork. She was worried a bit about Shikaroku but as he calmed down, so could she - and as she listened to his ideas - and listening to them, Masami saw the genius behind his speech. He learned all their capabilities and included them in a strategy, an approach that could allow them to succesfully complete this mission in the given time. She wanted to ask how he was capable to work with such a wast amount of information in such a short time, but they had more pressing matters to do. She remained silent for a few seconds one he told them his master plan and with a deep breath, she spoke up. [b]" I guess you .. you are right, Shikaroku. I acted without thinking or consulting it with you and ... well, I paid the price for it. And I may pay it once, depending on Hiron-Sensei´s mood. Your plan is a sound one, Shikaroku."[/b] Masami looked around, back to the trap that just injured her.[b]" I think I can spot those traps from a medium range - I was standing about thirty meters from that tree and I spotted them. I think I would be able to do better, but for that, I would need to be stationary - and not moving in a mission when we have to hurry is ... not good.[/b] Masami cursed herself for not training her eyes enoguh in the past - her mind flashed back to her training with Kiyomi during the events at the Hon Estate.[b]" But I think I can do it even while moving, Shikaroku. We can´t move forward without rising up to a few challenges. So ... Mia.[/b] Masami turned to her teammate.[b]" I say we give this plan a try. What do you think?"[/b][/center]