[b][center]Hiroshi Hon Konohagakure Jonin-Sensei, Team Six[/b][/center] [center]Hiroshi was once again sitting in his special dojo, the one with the animals painted on the ground. He was preparing it for one of his future trainings with his team, but it was still not ready. He was willing to take the time it needed to be prepared, for he believed it would give his team a great lesson. For now, he was leaning above three scrolls of paper, finishing the messages for each members of his team - their next mission was already prepared, and they will head out for it soon. It was not a mission that he was very fond off, but even this kind of missions had to be carried out. He looked once again at the scroll that contained the mission details - only to turn away from it with a sight. He finished the last letter and quickly wrapped all three of them with red thread. He stood up up and walked to the door and slid it open - just in time as a Wolf Guard member arrived.[b]" You asked for me, Captain Hiroshi?"[/b] [b]" Yes, thank you for coming on such a short notice. Make sure that Akira Kurasawa, Hinatsu Hon and Sayuri Cho receive these letters - I would like you to depart now. Time is off the essence."[/b] The Wolf Guard member did so without saying a word, disappearing in a puff of some with the Body Flicker technique. Hiroshi slid the door closed and walked back to the middle of the room. Biting his thumb a bit and forming the necessary seals, he summoned Hirudora by slamming his palm on the ground. The tiger appeared with a puff of smoke, curiously eying Hiroshi.[b]" Hiroshi. How can I help you this time?"[/b] Hiroshi bowed his head in respect before replying.[b]" I am sorry for calling on you without an advance warning, but this situation calls for quick actions. I am in need of your tracking skills."[/b] Hirudora returned the bow of the head, before looking deep into his eyes.[b]" Very well. I will help you, old friend. When do we leave?"[/b] [b]" Very soon, Hirudora. And I would like you to meet my team on this mission."[/b][/center] [hider= Hiroshi´s Letter] [i] Dear students of Team Six, We have just received the details of our next mission. Since time is off the essence, I am sending these letters via a Wolf Guard member. As soon as you receive these letters, grab your gear and come to the Hon Compound, to the dojo not yet in use. Pack your gear lightly - we need mobility this time. Also, there is somebody I would like you to meet. Hiroshi Hon[/i] [/hider]