About to renew her insults to the driver, in spite of the fact that they had long since vanished down the road, Valeria paused when she heard a voice to her right. Quickly, she turned to face the speaker, and was greeted by the sight of... some blonde guy. She appraised him for a moment, right eyebrow quirked quizzically. On one hand, he could actually genuinely be helpful. That would definitely be nice, she needed somewhere to get food and had no idea where to actually go in order to receive it. One the other hand, he could be some random moron who just though he could be helpful, and turn out to just lead her all over the place and succeed in doing absolutely nothing of value. Or lead her to a bad restaurant! Valeria folded her arms across her chest, before finally making her response. "If you know someplace good to eat, then fine, you can help," she replied, her tone filled with the utmost seriousness, "But you better be able to find someplace good! I'm not going to any bad restaurant that will make me sick." There! That certainly got the message across. There was no making mistakes about her meaning there. Valeria sought out any food that was edible and not utterly repulsive, after all.