In an old warehouse, a loud belch sounds out from behind a bunch of taco bell wrappers. A man in a black and red spandex suit is revealed when his arms get rid of the hundreds of little wax paper pieces. The TV was on, and he saw the news report. He yawns drowsily, and scratches his chin at this matter. "The police would have bounties out on the criminals. I'll get my asisstant to look into this!" He raises a finger in a light bulb moment, and yells "BOB!" A green shape on a couch in the back moves, and it is revealed to be a man of similar size to deadpool. He was wearing a full body spandex suit like deadpool, but it was green with yellow pouches. It also cut away from the mouth. "Look into the police reports! I need a bounty on these villains!" Deadpool tosses him a ear piece, and says "Keep me in touch about which ones to hit first. I'll be back in time for supper!" Bob groans groggily, and opens up a laptop. Another mercenary had the same idea, one named Gordon March. Gordon walked down the street alley, two pistols visibly on him, along with an assault rifle strapped to his back. He sighed as two men jumped out from shadows. Looters. "I really don't want to hurt you. Just stand aside." The two men chuckle, until they notice the big assault rifle strapped to his back. They back away, and run off. He smirks, and takes out his two pistols. He shoots at them, but a strange shot comes out and they fall to the ground, flopping around like fish out of water. When Gordon gets closer, two blue inch-long were attached to the men. He takes them out. Taser shots. He takes out a phone, and calls the police while removing himself politely from the scene. He was determined to find those villains. When he looks into the next alley, he feels the click of a gun behind him, and turns around with his hands up. Was that... deadpool? His mouth dropped open in surprised glee. "D-deadpool?" The man in red and black tilts his head, and says "Yah, that's my name. What of it?" Gordon smiles, and says "I'm a huge fan!" Deadpool puts down the gun, his ego being fed enough for him to trust this guy. A fan? Better than he say about some of the guys he meets that have guns strapped to their back.