Shiva leaned her arms against the table and held her hands together as she listened on with interest. So, a hostage situation followed by a sweep and clear of a space station? Seemed manageable with everyone they had, not that Shiva had an extra input, or even interest in leading the team into it. ROE was predictable. The weaponry of their enemies would probably just be something they would have to work around, the same with the hostages. What made Shiva stop to think was the fact that no demands were made. She doubted that no one else had thought about this, whether they were on the squad, or these present officials, but what would this group want? Shiva thought that maybe they just wanted to loot the place, that these guys were affiliated with some organised crime outfit. Perhaps they wanted information, some kind of corporate espionage, or to install some kind of malware. What [i]do[/i] a sect of rebels truly want from a mining station? Perhaps things just went wrong and now they were trapped, but they hadn't made demands for a passage of escape. Whatever they are there for, they must be still doing it. Shiva decided to discuss this with the others later. For now, she stood up, saluted, and strode out back towards the apartments. She had some preparation to do, but anyone who knew masulu expressions would have seen the puzzlement painted over her face.