Napalm curled out from Scorn's razor lined mouth as he flew around in search of the disturbance causing several people to run away in fear. Minutes had passed until the Red Lantern finally arrived at the area people were evidently running away from. It was obvious why. Several unkempt looking men were running around like hooligans, shooting guns randomly in the air and towards people. In the middle of the chaos sat a woman crying over the body of her son. He had been shot by one of the people, and the scene instantly incensed Scorn. Growling, he rushed down to the area and punched the nearest wild shooter with a force strong enough to actually burst his insides and send him flying. "HOLY SHIT!" One of them yelled. "SHOOT THAT... THAT THING!" Before this one could shoot, a stream of napalmic blood covered his entire body, burning him to a crisp. "Disgusting 'men'..." Scorn growled