Aura looked at Waltic and raised her brow she he demanded to go with her. [b]"I was only teasing when I said I didn't remember you."[/b] she stated simply before he got too carried away trying to get her to remember him. That was when one of the girls pointed towards her, her hair was a pretty shade of chocolate brown. Before aura had a chance to say anything, one guy announced that everyone should stick together and party up. Then a screen was in front of her and she scowled. [b]"I didn't want all of you to tag along..."[/b] she said in a tone that sounded more defeated than angry. Looking around and watching as everyone hit accept, she flipped her haid. [b]"Fine. I guess I can use all the help I can get."[/b] she said. Then Edge seemed to introduce himself and sent everyone map data and she wondered if she should do the same. [b]"I suppose i owe all of you one for saving me... my name is Aura. Nice to.... finally meet some capable people in this damn game."[/b] she said. Looking at the brown haired girl, she gave a smirk. [b]"To answer your question, I have a lot of secrets."[/b] she raised a finger as she spoke. [b]"But, seeing as we just met and we aren't besties yet, I don't feel particularly inclined to tell you any of them yet."[/b] With one last glance at everyone, she noticed a different girl that stood by the blonde one looking rather shy, and she rolled her eyes before turning and walking away. Though she'd keep it to herself, Aura was kind of excited to work with these people. Everyone here by the looks of things seemed to be pretty capable. [b]"That boss doesn't stand a chance."[/b]