[center][b][i]Team 8 on the move again! Part III The first official mission, Towards the Hotspring country![/center][/b][/i] [center]Summary : After their start of the mission, Team 8 continues to head towards the capital of the Hotspring country to deliver their package.[/center] [hider=A good first mission] [b]"I would not mind the extra hands,"[/b] Yukara said, with a small smile. Shoving her hand that had the sore finger in her pocket, hopefully he would think that it was nothing and not that she had horrible accuracy. [b]"I just have two more nails to do,"[/b] she added, motioning with her hand that was not shoved into her pocket over where she had them laid out. Hearing what Katsu said, she was about to make some joke but decided not to once Aiko-Sensei said something about sticks and something smelled like fish. Simply nodding, Koike would do the last two nails, though having heared what Aiko asked, maybe Katsu or Yukara could do that. Koike wanted to be sure that the tents were really stable. Having set up the last two nails and worked them into their position, he would check the other tents. [b]''The tents are set up and done.''[/b] He reported, deciding to clean up what they hadn't used. Once that was done, he would head to the camp fire. Katsu looked over to where the voice came for and nodded. He walked back into the forest, trying to find straight sticks that he could carve the outer shell completely from. Picking up three half-arm long sticks, he returned to the campfire. The boy set two of the sticks down and pulled out a kunai, pouring some wind chakra into it, making a thin coat to make it sharper. He started driving it on the surface of the wood, surfacing the area that hadn't touched the air outside of the bark. Letting out a sigh, Aiko decided to sit down. The fire radiated some warmth and she got the feeling that she could relax a bit with how the team was operating. It had been surprising to see how the three were still reacting. Like how Koike gave a high five, Yukara not sneering once, Katsu not overreacting or anything else that had happened last time. Staring into the flames, she started to think who she would assign to keep the first watch. After a moment, Yukara joined the camp fire and sat next to Aiko-Sensei, waiting for her other team mates to join them. So far, everything had not blown up on them or rather that Koike had actually offered to help her. [b]"Where is your happy place, Koike?"[/b] Yukara asked him, not bothering to hide her curiosity. [b]"And what about you, Katsu?"[/b] Yukara asked him. Joining, Koike shrugged as he sat down. [b]''I don't have one.''[/b] He simply replied. Koike wasn't sure why she had asked it, but he wasn't really bothered to consider asking why she wished to know. With Katsu preparing the sticks, Koike undid the sheath of the scabbard on his back. Placing the scabbard on his lap, he would stare for a few moments into the fire. A happy place? He almost scoffed at the mere thought of it. Pulling out a rag, he would also pull out the blade to start to clean it. [b]"Happy place?"[/b] Katsu thought for a moment. [b]"I don't think I have one. If you mean something I would use to escape reality, I guess a library could be my happy place,"[/b] he said jokingly. [b]"Why do you ask?"[/b] He didn't raise his head or stop gliding the blade across the first piece of wood, making it sharp enough to pierce human skin with ease. He blew on its edge and some splinters flew off. A bit surprised by the question of Yukara, Aiko decided to let it be. Though curious as well, Aiko would gesture to Katsu to hand over the first piece of wood. Already she had unwrapped the first fish, a salmon, from it protective paper package. Enjoying the warmth of the campfire, Aiko was hoping that the conversation would go in a nice direction. If the first day would go like this, she could be sure of it. Then her team was on the way of progressing, together. Soon they would be eating their dinner. Afterwards? [center][i]They would enjoy the peaceful evening. Eating marshmallows and sharing stories. A good first and simple mission.[/center][/i] --- [b][center]Several days later, back in Konohagakure[/b][/i] Everything had went well. The team had managed to work more often together and without much of a trouble. Aiko had not even encountered one time that they started to bicker or trying to annoy one another. With a proud feeling, she wasn't just happy about that she had managed it. No, it were her students. They really were showing that they improved as a team, not just as individuals. [b]''Good work everybody. That is it. From now on I know will know what I am going to teach each of you. I shall contact each of you very soon, but remember,''[/b] She fully turned around to the group as she raised her right index finger and wiggled it. Like she was warning them for something. [b]''Keep practicing your skills and trying to improve as expanding your knowledge. Now, time to go head home.''[/b] [/hider]