[center][b][i]Aiko's sign of respect. A personal regret. One that hasn't been forgotten, Or been healed yet due time.[/center][/b][/i] [center][youtube]QuNhTLVgV2Y[/youtube][/center] The team had performed well. With an eager and happy feeling, she was looking forward to their training. Walking to a more quiet and tranquil place of the Leaf, Aiko had gone home. She couldn't visit the place she had in mind with being dressed in her jounin garb. It felt wrong. Very wrong, if she would do that. No, not wrong. Disrespectful. That was the right word to describe it, she thought. Dressed in a simple black kimono, she held a little basket at her left arm. One filled with various kind of flowers. And some fresh made cookies. All the time that she was walking alone to the place, she had her head lowered, with a frown present on her brow. It seemed that she was lost in thoughts, but she wasn't. She wasn't lost at all. The thoughts and memories were actually old, but they felt fresh. Like it was just yesterday. Aiko wished that it could be yesterday. Then she would be more happy. Less regretful about how the events had turned out. But wishing wouldn't help what had been done. What had happened. Arriving at the graveyard, she looked slowly up. There were so many of them. It always made her feel kind of alone. And that feeling pained her more. It wasn't because she was scared that she was alone. Zakito, her children, her family, her clan and her students were there. A considerable amount of people that she loved and knew that love and respected her. Yet, she had ashamed one person's trust. It was how she felt, which made her wonder. Did he felt like that? Was he angry? Sorry or indifferent? Slowly a warm, salty tear moved over her cheek. Followed by others. She looked around, but she knew where his grave was. She had been there before. And it was just like this visit, she couldn't feel any better or positive about it. Slowly taking the steps towards that one grave that kept her sometimes awake at nights. That sometimes troubled her mind. [center][i]Miharu Hon, Born on the 9th of February in the year of 455. Son of Sahoru and Yuri Hon. May he rest in peace.[/center][/i] Slowly Aiko sat in front of the gravestone. More tears and pain came. It was like the tears themselves caused her to feel miserable. About herself. She was his sensei, his aunt. She had promised to teach and protect him on his way to become a great shinobi. To make sure that he would one day have many friends and people caring for him. A day that he would be able to forget about his sad past. At times Aiko had wondered where his strength had came from. How it was possible that such a past didn't made Miharu unable to smile. But he had smiled, a lot. Laughed too. It was like he was finding joy in every kind of moment of the day. Like he knew secrets that caused him to be happy. Trying to not sob, Aiko slowly placed the basket down. In front of her was a vase and a picture frame. Taking out the old flowers, she placed the fresh on in the vase. Not trying to look at the picture, she kept continue what you could call her ritual. Placing the old flowers in the basket, she then placed the fresh baked cookies on the plate that was in front of the vase and picture frame. [b]''He is improving.''[/b] Aiko's voice was soft and a bit shaking. With the fresh flowers in place and the fresh baked cookies on the plate, she raised her right arm to whip the tears away on her face. Swallowing, she tried to smile. But no matter how often she tried it or wanted it, it was a sad one. [b]''Of course he is being stubborn, but I guess he is going the right way. Finally. Maybe he will make friends.''[/b] Aiko continued, but it was a mere whisper. Placing her hands on her lap, she looked at the cookies. Looking at the picture or grave was just something she couldn't. [b]''Of course he is a bit stubborn and probably still shy. Like how he was when you were around. I think he still misses you dearly.''[/b] Aiko kept on whispering. But not an answer came back. Not even the typical soft breeze or drips that would announce the incoming rain. Just a silence. Sighing, Aiko managed to stop crying. [b]''I know that it gets annoying, but I wish I was there for you. More often.''[/b] The thought of what it would be if she had a chance. To prevent him from going alone with Koike on a training journey. Something only Miharu could device, even while he had been branded as the Kyuubi's host. Even while there was a lot of things going on. If she had more time back then. With all her duties, she had forgotten about her students. They had managed to slip away from her radar and even convinced Zakito that they could take care of themselves. If she had just one chance to make things right. Slowly looking at the picture, she saw the people. Miharu at the right, giving a thumbs up with a big smile and at the left Koike who had a more simple smile. In the middle, but a step back was Aiko. She also smiled. And held both a hand on top of the heads of the boys. She looked she was proud of them. And Aiko remembered why. It was the very first mission that had went without a problem. [center][b]''I am sorry. I promise you, That I will make it up to you.''[/center][/b]